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241 results
  • A seated Greek woman on an obstetrical stool being held in position by her husband while giving birth aided by a midwife, another attendant dresses the first baby. Line engraving by A. Tardieu after N. Maréchal.
  • A seated Greek woman on an obstetrical stool being held in position by her husband while giving birth aided by a midwife, another attendant dresses the first baby. Line engraving by A. Tardieu after N. Maréchal.
  • A young woman being instructed to dance by an older woman, both of them dressed in extreme fashions, while a foreign dancing master accompanies them on the violin. Engraving, 1771.
  • Tom Ruby being tricked by six friends into thinking he is suffering from the 'sweating sickness', thereby missing his feast. Coloured line engraving, 1799, after Nixon (?).
  • A man interrupting a doctor's misconduct with a young female patient. Coloured etching by T. Rowlandson?, 1786.
  • A quack doctor assisting a voluptuous female patient with group magnetic therapy. Etching by J. Barlow, c. 1792, after J. Collings.
  • The alarmist Miss Minifie informing Miss Gunning and her mother of their banishment from the general's house. Coloured etching by J. Gillray, 1791.
  • A doctor reprimanding an obese patient for not taking his medicine. Coloured etching by I. Cruikshank, 1797.
  • A disgruntled gouty man ringing a bell for his servant who is just leaving the room. Etching.
  • An obese man consulting a doctor. Coloured etching.
  • An emaciated patient protesting to his doctor, who is satisfied with his patient's demise. Watercolour.
  • A man of occult learning arrives at the house of a cobbler and his wife: the cobbler insults him, the wife defends him. Coloured engraving by L. Truchy after F. Hayman.
  • A generous physician refusing payment from a sick patient's wife. Stipple engraving by J. Baldrey, 1784, after E. Penny.
  • A woman taking her baby from its cradle. Engraving.
  • A wet nurse breast feeding the Duke of Burgundy, grandson of Louis XIV. Engraving.
  • A wet nurse breast feeding the Duke of Burgundy, grandson of Louis XIV. Engraving.
  • An affluent man receiving galvanic electric therapy from a French quack doctor, while staring intently out of the window. Coloured etching.
  • A doctor and footman hurling pudding at each other in an attempt to make the obese patient laugh in order to cure his quinsey. Coloured engraving by R. Newton, 1797.
  • A man suffering from attack by blue devils; representing depression or mental illness. Coloured etching after R. Newton, 1795.
  • An affluent man receiving galvanic electric therapy from a French quack doctor, while staring intently out of the window. Coloured etching.
  • An affluent man receiving galvanic electric therapy from a French quack doctor, while staring intently out of the window. Coloured etching.
  • A man suffering from attack by blue devils; representing depression or mental illness. Coloured etching R. Newton, 1795, after himself.
  • A young woman engrossed in raptures at her desk, with her hands in her lap: a man [a servant?] appears in the background. Mezzotint, 1772.
  • A lecherous doctor taking the pulse of an attractive young woman. Mezzotint, 1772.
  • A lecherous doctor taking the pulse of an attractive young woman. Mezzotint, 1772.
  • A physician and a surgeon attending to a woman patient. Oil painting by Matthijs Naiveu.
  • A physician and a surgeon attending to a woman patient. Oil painting by Matthijs Naiveu.
  • A gouty man startled by death; represented as a skeletal figure wielding an arrow. Mezzotint, 1794.
  • A gouty man savouring his feast. Coloured aquatint by G. Hunt after E.Y.
  • An obese gouty man with his feet in buckets. Coloured aquatint.