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82 results
  • Lava, scoriae and vitrified matter found after the eruption of Mount Vesuvius on 8 August 1779. Coloured etching by Pietro Fabris, 1779.
  • The outside of part of the cone of Solfatara showing lavas of different tints (yellow and grey). Coloured etching by Pietro Fabris, 1776.
  • The Pisciarelli (a hot spring) issuing from the cone of the Solfatara, and a man bathing in the hot waters. Coloured etching by Pietro Fabris, 1776.
  • Polished schists of marble and other mixed stones from Mount Vesuvius. Coloured etching by Pietro Fabris, 1776.
  • Mount Vesuvius emitting a column of smoke after its eruption on 8 August 1779. Coloured etching by Pietro Fabris, 1779.
  • Pozzuoli, with Monte Barbaro in the distance, right. Coloured etching by Pietro Fabris, 1776.
  • The eruption of Mount Vesuvius in the night of 8 August 1779. Coloured etching by Pietro Fabris, 1779.
  • Lava emerging from Mount Vesuvius at night and running towards Resina, 11 May 1771. Coloured etching by Pietro Fabris, 1776, after a drawing made by him in 1771.
  • Four specimens of tufa from the quarries near the Grotto of Posillipo. Coloured etching by Pietro Fabris, 1776.
  • Tufa at the bottom of the crater of Monte Nuovo near Pozzuoli, formed in a volcanic eruption in 1538. Coloured etching by Pietro Fabris, 1776.
  • The island of Ischia seen from the sea, showing volcanic features. Coloured etching by Pietro Fabris, 1776.
  • Seven pieces of tufa from the vicinity of Naples. Coloured etching by Pietro Fabris, 1776.
  • Stones or crystals from Mount Vesuvius. Coloured etching by Pietro Fabris, 1776.
  • Eight pieces of volcanic matter taken from the road leading from the Pisciarelli (spring) to the Solfatara. Coloured etching by Pietro Fabris, 1776.
  • The lake of Agnano. Coloured etching by Pietro Fabris, 1776.
  • The crater of Monte Gauro or Barbaro (right), with other volcanic features in the background. Coloured etching by Pietro Fabris, 1776.
  • The Porto Pavone on the island of Nisida, showing the curved sides of a sunken crater; Pietro Fabris sketching and Sir William Hamilton in the foreground. Coloured etching by Pietro Fabris, 1776.
  • Pieces of volcanic minerals from Solfatara. Coloured etching by Pietro Fabris, 1776.
  • Pieces of lava and vitrified, flinty matter found after the eruption of Mount Vesuvius on 8 August 1779. Coloured etching by Pietro Fabris, 1779.
  • The Fossa Grande of Mount Vesuvius, showing the deep hollow ways cut by torrents of rainwater. Coloured etching by Pietro Fabris, 1776.
  • Six pieces of lava from inside the crater of Mount Vesuvius. Coloured etching by Pietro Fabris, 1776.
  • Lava, scoriae and pumice from Mount Vesuvius. Coloured etching by Pietro Fabris, 1776.
  • The Capo dell'Arco promontory on the island of Ventoténe (Ventotiene, ancient Pandatoria), showing strata of tufa and lava. Coloured etching by Pietro Fabris, 1776.
  • The valley Atrio di Cavallo between Vesuvius and Somma, showing smoke emerging from Vesuvius before eruption. Coloured etching by Pietro Fabris, 1776.
  • Two mineral specimens found in the Fossa Grande on Mount Vesuvius. Coloured etching by Pietro Fabris, 1776.
  • Vitrifications and other volcanic productions. Coloured etching by Pietro Fabris, 1776.
  • The Phlegraean plain: birdseye view from the top of the San Nicola mountain. Coloured etching by Pietro Fabris, 1776.
  • Lake Avernus (Lago d'Averno) and environs. Coloured etching by Pietro Fabris, 1776.
  • The crater of Astruni: vegetation, the gamekeeper's lodge and a volcanic pool. Coloured etching by Pietro Fabris, 1776.
  • The road leading from the Grotto of Posillipo inland to Pianura, showing strata of "rapilli" and other volcanic substances. Coloured etching by Pietro Fabris, 1776.