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62 results
  • Bile Beans for biliousness ... : the world's best family medicine : being purely vegetable, Bile Beans suit young & old / C.E. Fulford, Ltd.
  • Regyl.
  • Cardiac deaths reduced by 48.5% : sudden deaths by 57.2% : Anturan 200.
  • Andursil special bonus offer ; 15 for 12.
  • Andursil special bonus offer ; 15 for 12.
  • Cardiac deaths reduced by 48.5% : sudden deaths by 57.2% : Anturan 200.
  • Cardiac deaths reduced by 48.5% : sudden deaths by 57.2% : Anturan 200.
  • CICFA : cures indigestion constipation flatulence acidity.
  • In future CICFA will be known as "Mother's Advice".
  • CICFA : cures indigestion constipation flatulence acidity.
  • CICFA : cures indigestion constipation flatulence acidity.
  • In future CICFA will be known as "Mother's Advice".
  • CICFA : cures indigestion constipation flatulence acidity.
  • Nearly everone suffers at some time from indigestion with constipation, flatulence, and acidity but every case (including your own) can be easily and perfectly cured by taking "Mother's Advice." (formally called CICFA).
  • Nearly everone suffers at some time from indigestion with constipation, flatulence, and acidity but every case (including your own) can be easily and perfectly cured by taking "Mother's Advice." (formally called CICFA).
  • Yog-Carbin Vitaminizado comprimidos : absorbente modificador de la flora intestinal / Laboratorios "Life".
  • Yog-Carbin Vitaminizado comprimidos : absorbente modificador de la flora intestinal / Laboratorios "Life".
  • 'Alkagen' tablets & lozenges : an effective antacid and carminative for hyperacidity and flatulence.
  • 'Alkagen' tablets & lozenges : an effective antacid and carminative for hyperacidity and flatulence.
  • 'Alkagen' tablets & lozenges : an effective antacid and carminative for hyperacidity and flatulence.
  • 'Alkagen' tablets & lozenges : an effective antacid and carminative for hyperacidity and flatulence.
  • Pleasantly deflated : Asilone for the flatulent patient.
  • Pleasantly deflated : Asilone for the flatulent patient.
  • En la terapia oral de la diabetes mellitus, Rastinon Hoechst (tolbutamida) : Dispepsia, y flatulencia por insuficiencia pancreatica, medicación substitutiva en pancreatitis cronicas, Festal / Hoechst A.G. ; representantes: Farmaceutica Hoechst Mexicana, S.A.
  • En la terapia oral de la diabetes mellitus, Rastinon Hoechst (tolbutamida) : Dispepsia, y flatulencia por insuficiencia pancreatica, medicación substitutiva en pancreatitis cronicas, Festal / Hoechst A.G. ; representantes: Farmaceutica Hoechst Mexicana, S.A.
  • Drug advertising ephemera. Box 13.
  • Drug advertising ephemera. Box 13.
  • Drug advertising ephemera. Box 13.
  • Drug advertising ephemera. Box 13.
  • Drug advertising ephemera. Box 13.