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69 results
  • The young Christ lectures the doctors of the Temple. Engraving by E. Rouargue.
  • John baptises Christ in the Jordan. Engraving by P. Galle, 1564, after M. van Heemskerck.
  • Christ among sick people and the Pharisees ('The hundred guilder print'). Wood engraving by H. Linton after T. Beech (?) after Rembrandt, 1649.
  • Christ among sick people and Pharisees ('The hundred guilder print'). Etching by Rembrandt, 1649.
  • Christ among sick people and the Pharisees ('The hundred guilder print'). Etching by T. Worlidge, 1758, after Rembrandt, 1649.
  • Christ among sick people and the Pharisees ('The hundred guilder print'). Etching by T. Worlidge, 1758, after Rembrandt, 1649.
  • Semaine santé sex : parce qu'on l'aime, on se pose des questions!  / AIDES.
  • Semaine santé sex : parce qu'on l'aime, on se pose des questions!  / AIDES.
  • Semaine santé sex : parce qu'on l'aime, on se pose des questions!  / AIDES.
  • Semaine santé sex : parce qu'on l'aime, on se pose des questions!  / AIDES.
  • Sexualité gay & prise de risque : si on en parlait ensemble? Ne rien voir, ne rien dire, ne rien entendre / AIDES Ile de France.
  • Sexualité gay & prise de risque : si on en parlait ensemble? Ne rien voir, ne rien dire, ne rien entendre / AIDES Ile de France.
  • Journée mondiale de lutte contre le sida / Le Centre LGBT Paris IDF.
  • 27 novembre - 7 décembre 2014, journée mondiale contre le sida : de la panique à l'indifférence : rencontres inter-générations / Le Centre LGBT Paris IDF.
  • 27 novembre - 7 décembre 2014, journée mondiale contre le sida : de la panique à l'indifférence : rencontres inter-générations / Le Centre LGBT Paris IDF.
  • 27 novembre - 7 décembre 2014, journée mondiale contre le sida : de la panique à l'indifférence : rencontres inter-générations / Le Centre LGBT Paris IDF.
  • Men sitting around a candle-lit table, talking about politics, smoking and drinking. Lithograph by C.J.W. Winter after G.M. Woodward.
  • Sir Robert Peel leads a queue for a coach but is told by the keeper of the coach-office, James Abercromby (Speaker of the House of Commons) that the coach has already gone. Coloured lithograph by H.B. (John Doyle), 1838.
  • Lord Ellenborough as a dancing girl in a Hindu temple; representing press allegations that, as Governor-General of India, he favoured Hinduism over Islam in his policy towards the gates of the temple at Somnath. Wood engraving by or after J.K. Meadows, 1843.
  • A classical courtyard filled with natural philosophers, scientists and artists. Engraving after S. Le Clerc.
  • St. Ivel : [letterhead].
  • St. Ivel : [letterhead].
  • A sumptuously dressed lady gestures towards a mid-air battle between winged fools; small injured figures fall from a bird-house like edifice. Woodcut by Tobias Stimmer, 1580.
  • Patrick Wall. Oil painting by Yolanda Sonnabend, 198-.
  • A married couple, Mr and Mrs Potts, arguing about Mr Potts's habit of tobacco smoking. Lithograph by T.H. Jones.
  • The First Lord of the Admiralty, Lord Minto, is thrown overboard by Lord Melbourne, Lord Palmerston and Lord Duncannon during a storm. Coloured lithograph by H.B. (John Doyle), 1838.
  • A large dog, emerging from the water, with the head of the Duke of Wellington, and a smaller dog with the head of Lord John Russell, both tug a stick inscribed "committee Ireland", while John Bull and Daniel O'Connell, the respective owners, are waiting in the background. Coloured lithograph by H.B. (John Doyle), 1839.
  • Saint Paul preaches before a small group in a crowded forum in Athens. Etching by J.A. Bellanger, 1749, after himself.
  • Marijuana: Blue cheese strain
  • The march to Finchley: English guards, gathering before marching to Finchley to defend London from the troops of Bonnie Prince Charlie, shown in a state of confusion and indiscipline. Etching by L. Sullivan after W. Hogarth.