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39 results
  • St. Winifred's Well, Flintshire, Wales. Coloured line engraving.
  • An abstract white-washed figure with a red dot at its centre; a painting by Christian P. c/o the Bavarian AIDS Foundation; an appeal for donations to help those affected by AIDS. Colour lithograph.
  • A Hindu ascetic, or holy man: seated in the lotus position on a leopard skin, with withered arms raised above his head. Coloured stipple engraving, 1814.
  • Three supporters of the Boxer Rebellion about to be executed at the command of the foreign alliance. Process print after F. de Haenen, 1900.
  • The game of goose applied to the countries of the world. Engraving by Antoine de Fer after Louis Richer.
  • The game of goose applied to the countries of the world. Engraving by Antoine de Fer after Louis Richer.
  • The game of goose applied to the countries of the world. Engraving by Antoine de Fer after Louis Richer.
  • Rev. Pat Robertson converses with Vice-President Dan Quayle with numerous speech bubbles; a protest against their policies including those relating to AIDS. Lithograph.
  • Clock and Watchmakers Asylum, Colney Hatch, Southgate, Middlesex: panoramic view. Coloured wood engraving by J. Knight.