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82 results
  • [Business card for Claud Manfull, "consulting herbalist" in Nottingham].
  • Queen Victoria in mourning for Albert, her subjects outraged at her neglect of duties. Wood engraving, c. 1861.
  • A general list of the members of the Royal College of Surgeons in England : members who reside and practise, or who have resided and practised, in or within seven miles of the City of London ... members who do not reside or practise, in or within seven miles of the City of London.
  • Royal College of Physicians, Warwick Lane, London: the courtyard with people in eighteenth century costume. Wood engraving by [W.H.P.].
  • Royal College of Physicians, Warwick Lane, London: the interior of the Hall, during the examination of a candidate. Coloured aquatint by J. Bluck after T. Rowlandson and A. C. Pugin, 1808.
  • Royal College of Physicians, Warwick Lane, London: the interior of the Hall, during the examination of a candidate. Coloured aquatint by J. Bluck after T. Rowlandson and A. C. Pugin, 1808.
  • The Royal College of Physicians, Trafalgar Square: the elevation. Engraving by T. Barber, 1828, after T. H. Shepherd.
  • A group of doctors parade a dummy with a skeleton's head representing cholera: a group of people run screaming from it. Coloured lithograph by H. Heath, 1832.
  • A group of doctors parade a dummy with a skeleton's head representing cholera: a group of people run screaming from it. Coloured lithograph by H. Heath, 1832.
  • A terrified patient misunderstanding his doctor. Reproduction of a drawing after G.S. Dixon, 1924.
  • A gouty man talking to his doctor who is totally unsympathetic after discovering that his patient had finished off a bottle of port the previous evening. Wood engraving by B. Partridge, 1896.
  • Four scenes from W. Combe's verse Dr. Last or the devil upon two sticks, a parody of the Royal College of Physicians, and in particular John Fothergill. Engraving after W. Combe.
  • A gouty patient having his pulse taken by a doctor; representing George IV's opposition to Catholic emancipation, and Wellington's support of it. Coloured etching by T. Jones, 1829.
  • A doctor visiting a patient and advising him against drinking alcohol, the patient responds by inviting him to dinner and some port, in order to avoid jury service. Wood engraving by C. Keane, 1865.
  • Four scenes from W. Combe's verse Dr. Last or the devil upon two sticks, a parody of the Royal college of physicians and John Fothergill (in particular). Engraving, 1771, after W. Combe.
  • A doctor visiting a patient who insists on self medication; representing Lord Rosebery's chairmanship of a committee advocating reform in the House of Lords. Wood engraving by Sir E.L. Sambourne, 1907.
  • A dispensary in the East End of London: crowds of local children are being vaccinated. Wood engraving by E. Buckman, 1871.
  • A dispensary in the East End of London: crowds of local children are being vaccinated. Wood engraving by E. Buckman, 1871.
  • An episode in Samuel Foote's play The devil upon two sticks: the cobbler Emmanuel Last is examined for entry as a licentiate to the Royal College of Physicians by Dr Hellebore, the president of the college. Mezzotint by J. Finlayson after J. Zoffany, 1769.
  • Paul Kruger offering "Dum-dum" pills to Queen Victoria. Colour lithograph by E. Ogé, ca. 1900.
  • A physician taking the hand of a sick female patient, her mother is standing near them. Watercolour by A. Jerôme.
  • A physician taking the hand of a sick female patient, her mother is standing near them. Watercolour by A. Jerôme.
  • Three doctors converge around John Pitt, 2nd earl of Chatham, as their patient; representing the embarrassment of the failed Walcheren Expedition in Flanders. Coloured etching by C. Williams, 1809.
  • Three doctors converge around John Pitt, 2nd earl of Chatham, as their patient; representing the embarrassment of the failed Walcheren Expedition in Flanders. Coloured etching by C. Williams, 1809.
  • Four scenes from W. Combe's verse Dr. Last or the devil upon two sticks, a parody of the Royal college of physicians and in particular John Fothergill. Engraving after W. Combe.
  • A patient poking out his tongue and having his pulse taken by a physician. Watercolour by M. Anderson.
  • John Bull about to be bled by three doctors; representing Britain's budget manipulated by the cabinet. Coloured etching by J. Phillips?, 1830.
  • A physician in his surgery examining a little boy's tongue, his sister waits for him holding a large umbrella. Wood engraving after H.B. Roberts.
  • A snobbish mother resistant to her daughter's doctor using a vaccine from their neighbour's child. Wood engraving by G. Du Maurier, 1872.
  • Two doctors - left, the 5th Marquess of Lansdowne, and right, H. H. Asquith - recommending different remedies to an irate patient; representing arguments surrounding the Parliament Act of 1911 and reform in the House of Lords. Pen drawing by F.C. Gould, 1911.