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816 results
  • A sheoak or swamp oak (Casuarina stricta): flowering and fruiting stems. Coloured engraving, c. 1804, after H. Andrews.
  • A bird's-tongue plant (Ornithoglossum glaucum): flowering plant and floral segments. Coloured engraving, c. 1802, after H. Andrews.
  • A willow (Salix violacea): leafy and flowering branches with floral segments. Coloured engraving, c. 1804, after H. Andrews.
  • Sadler's Wells, with the New River running beside. Etching by F. W. Pailthorpe after R. C. Andrews, 1792.
  • William Newnham (1790-1865), medical practitioner at Farnham, Surrey, "in practice before 1815". Oil painting by James Andrews, 1856.
  • A fruiting "Ingram's Frogmore Late Pine" strawberry plant (Fragaria cultivar). Coloured zincograph by J. Andrews, c. 1861, after himself.
  • A plant (Senecio kaempferi): variegated leaf and entire potted plant. Coloured zincograph by J. Andrews, c. 1861, after himself.
  • Australian fuchsia (Correa alba Andrews): flowering stem with floral segments. Engraving by C. Dien and J. L. Perée, c.1798, after P. J. Redouté.
  • Sadler's Wells Theatre, with the New River running beside, a smaller view, below, of the older building. Engraving by W. Wise, 1814, after R. C. Andrews, 1792.
  • A Turkish man about to bid farewell to his lover, while gazing out of a window to the sea. Engraving by H. T. Ryall after H. Andrews.
  • Niagara Falls: a view of the American side of the Falls, with a rainbow reflected in the water. Photogravure (?) after a drawing by G.H. Andrews, ca. 1860.
  • Special arrangement for Christmas holidays of Herr Joseph Drasal, the German Giant, the tallest man ever exhibited : and Colonel Dietrich Ulpts, the Tyrolese Dwarf, 34 inches high / The Royal (late Weston's), Holborn ; Arliss Andrews, printer, 31 Museum Street, Bloomsbury, W.C.
  • Saint Andrew. Engraving.
  • Andrew Dunlop. Photograph.
  • Andrew Boorde. Etching.
  • Andrew Boorde. Etching.
  • Saint Andrew. Engraving.
  • Saint Andrew. Woodcut.
  • Saint Andrew. Engraving.
  • Saint Andrew. Engraving.
  • Andrew Smart. Photograph.
  • Diseased potatoes ... / Andrew Ure.
  • Andrew Brown. Photograph, 1926.
  • Andrew Brown. Photograph, 1926.
  • Saint Andrew Avellino. Engraving.
  • Portrait of Andrew Holmes.
  • Surgical instruments. Engraving by Andrew Bell.
  • Surgical instruments. Engraving by Andrew Bell.
  • Surgical instruments. Engraving by Andrew Bell.
  • Surgical instruments. Engraving by Andrew Bell.