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530 results
  • Two red arms join to form the shape of the AIDS red ribbon against a world map surrounded by the multi-coloured words: "Droits et devoirs. Partageons!" [Rights and duties. Share!]; an advertisement for World AIDS Day on 1st December 1995 by the Organisation Mondiale de la Santé. Colour lithograph by Marilyn Langfield.
  • The world wrapped in the AIDS red ribbon bearing the words: "droits et devoirs partageons"(rights and duties share) with figures arranged arm in arm along part of the ribbon; an advertisement for a solidarity march at the Place de la Libération, Nice on 1st December, 1995, World AIDS Day; organised by associations and institutions fighting against AIDS including CRIPS (Centre régional d'information et de prévention du SIDA). Colour lithograph.
  • Gymnastique hygiénique & médicale pour les deux sexes : exercises pratiques et raisonnés des muscles / Corderie des Théâtres A. Brécheux, F. Gailliardot, succr., 265, 267 Rue St. Denis, Paris.
  • A series of torn images including a bird in flight, camels in the desert, a child crying, a couple making love in an open-topped car, a crowd of semi-naked men, a tied rope and a tranquil river landscape; an advertisement in Basque for a programme of events to mark 1st December, World AIDS Day on the theme of AIDS and the family by the Guipuzkoako Hies Kontrako Elkarte Hiritarra/Asociación Ciudadana Anti-SIDA de Gipuzkoa. Colour lithograph, ca. 1996.
  • Saint Mary (the Blessed Virgin) with the Christ Child and an angel. Engraving by G. Vallet after S. Bourdon.
  • Sálazie, Réunion Islands: hot springs and snowy peaks. Tinted lithograph by A. Roussin after himself.
  • Balthazar Georges Sage. Line engraving by F. Hubert.
  • Héloïse as a nun in her cell contemplating the Holy Cross. Mezzotint by J.R. Smith, 1792.
  • François Rabelais. Line engraving by N. Habert.
  • Guy Patin. Line engraving by A. Masson, 1670, after himself.
  • Medieval Christian mosaic from Santa Maria Assunta Cathedral in Aoste, Italy; representing the months of the year. Etching by C. Martel after E. Aubert.
  • Naked putti at work in a garden, representing the element earth. Etching by C. Duflos, ca 1750, after F. Boucher.
  • Antoine Petit. Line engraving by P.A. Le Beau after C.-L. Desrais.
  • A man composed of pharmaceutical equipment, surrounded by medicinal plants. Engraving by N. de Larmessin, 1695.
  • Benjamin Franklin. Line engraving by P.A. Le Beau after C.L. Desrais after C.N. Cochin, junior, 1777.
  • Joseph Jérome de Lalande. Line engraving by N. Dupin after A. Pujos, 1773.
  • Michel Philippe Bouvart. Line engraving by P.A. Le Beau after C.-L. Desrais.
  • Germain Pichault de Lamartinière. Line engraving by P.A. Le Beau after C.-L. Desrais.
  • Aeolus, at the request of Juno, opens a door in a mountainside, releasing the winds that will wreck the fleet of Aeneas; representing the element air. Engraving by C. Dupuis, 1718, after Louis de Boullogne the younger.
  • Antoine Petit. Line engraving by P. Laurent after A. Pujos, 1774.
  • Saint Genevieve. Engraving by E. Fessard, 1757, after C.J. Natoire.
  • Saint Jude. Stipple engraving by A. Legrand, 1809, after J. Le Barbier, after Leonardo.
  • Saint Gregory, wearing papal costume, is seated at his desk writing his homilies. Engraving by Houatt and N. Bazin after A. Dieu, 17--.
  • Saint Ambrose. Line engraving by Houatt and N. Bazin after A. Dieu.
  • The adoration of the magi: a king kneels before the infant Jesus, seated on Mary's lap. Engraving by E. Fessard after C.J. Natoire.
  • A rural surgeon treating a male patient's foot, in the background an assistant is mixing a concoction with a pestle and mortar in a surgery. Engraving by T. Major, 1747, after D. Teniers, the younger.
  • Cours d'operations de chirurgie, : demontrées au Jardin Royal, / par M. Dionis, premier chirurgien de feuës Mesdames les Dauphines; & Maître Chirurgien Furé à Paris.
  • A poor Savoyard woman surrounded by her children, one of whom she is breast-feeding. Engraving by N. de Larmessin III, 1746, after J.B.M. Pierre.
  • A poor Savoyard woman surrounded by her children, one of whom she is breast-feeding. Engraving by N. de Larmessin III, 1746, after J.B.M. Pierre.
  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau greeted by Socrates, Montaigne and Plutarch on his arrival at the Elysian Fields. Engraving by C.F. Macret after J.M. Moreau, 1782.