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623 results
  • The five members of the Bombay Plague Committee, three sitting, two standing. Photograph attributed to Captain C. Moss, 1897.
  • Rats overunning a dilapidated house, spreading the plague. Drawing by A.L. Tarter, 194-.
  • The global spread of plague, carried by rats. Drawing by A.L. Tarter, 194-.
  • A funeral in India(?) of a plague victim. Drawing by A.L. Tarter, 194-.
  • The path of infection of plague from rats via fleas to man. Drawing by A.L. Tarter, 194-.
  • The ship carrying the plague arrives in another country. Drawing by A.L. Tarter, 194-.
  • Episodes in the plague in Rome in 1656-1657. Etching.
  • A stow-away rat on a cart, carrying the plague. Drawing by A.L. Tarter, 194-.
  • Episodes in the plague in Rome in 1656-1657. Etching.
  • Episodes in the plague in Rome in 1656-1657. Etching.
  • Rats living in the sewers. Drawing by A.L. Tarter, 194-.
  • Episodes in the plague in Rome in 1656-1657. Etching.
  • A dead plague-infected rat. Drawing by A.L. Tarter, 194-.
  • A rat leaving a ship via the mooring rope, thus spreading the plague. Drawing by A.L. Tarter, 194-.
  • Episodes in the plague in Rome in 1656-1657. Etching.
  • Obstructions on mooring-lines to stop rats boarding ships. Drawing by A.L. Tarter, 194-.
  • Episodes in the plague in Rome in 1656-1657. Etching.
  • Ludwig Georg von Gottes Gnaden Marggraff zu Baaden und Hochberg ... : Demnach den letzt fürgewester Engen Grenz Versammlung in Ulm Occasione der in dem Bannat Temesvvar, Fürstenhum Siebengebürgen / und anderen Orthen im Königreich Hungarn / sich unter den Menschen hervorgethaner gefährlichen Seuche halber nachstehender Schluss abgefast worden : Welchergestalten sich vor einiger Zeit in dem Bannat Temesvvar, nicht weniger in dem Fürstenhum Siebengebürgen und andernandern Orten in dem Königreich Hungarn eine gefährliche Seuche unter denen Menschen hiervor gethan ... den allen Städten / flechen und Dörffern zu publiciren / und an denen Rath-häusern oder anderen gewöhnlichen Orten offentlich zu affigeren. Signatum in Ulm/ den 10. Novembr. 1738 / Der Fürsten und Stände des löbl. Schwäblichen Grenzes den gegenwärtig versammleten Engern Convent anwesende Räthe / Bottschaffter und Gesandte. (L.S.) ... Signatum Rastadt den 22ten Novembris 1738. Louis W. zu Baaden. Ad mandatum serenissimi Domini Marchionis proprium. Schmid de Wellenburg.
  • Plague in Phrygia. Engraving by F. Aquila after Raphael after Virgil.
  • A town in Manchuria just before the arrival of the plague and the Japanese invasion of 1931. Drawing by A.L. Tarter, 194-.
  • An American soldier lying wounded; analogous to the sufferings of a plague victim. Drawing by A.L. Tarter, 194-.
  • A rat stowing away on a ship, carrying the plague further afield. Drawing by A.L. Tarter, 194-.
  • A rat on board a ship, carrying the plague further afield. Drawing by A.L. Tarter, 194-.
  • Rats at a port. Drawing by A.L. Tarter, 194-.
  • A young man in a white vest and blue trousers wearing wrist bands sits on a bench with a woman and a black bearded man either side and a crowd of people standing behind; representation of a man not alone with AIDS; an advertisement for the Portuguese League Against AIDS. Colour lithograph by Ihood (?), 1993.
  • A rat stowing away on a ship, carrying the plague further afield. Drawing by A.L. Tarter, 194-.
  • Emperor Hirohito of Japan. Drawing by A.L. Tarter, 194-.
  • A rat caught in a trap; victim to man's efforts to stem the spread of plague. Drawing by A.L. Tarter, 194-.
  • The plague in Leiden in 1574: a doctor examines a urine flask surrounded by the ill, the dying and the dead. Line engraving.
  • Scientists experimenting with rats to investigate the plague. Drawing by A.L. Tarter, 194-.