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56 results filtered with: Prof. Andrew Forge
  • SEM, section through cochlea of guinea pig
  • Fish neuromast organ, close-up
  • TEM hair cell of cochlea
  • SEM close-up outer hair cells,organ of Corti
  • SEM, section through cochlea of guinea pig
  • Fish neuromast organ, composite of 3 images
  • SEM organ of Corti, showing hair cells
  • SEM cochlea, showing organ of Corti
  • Guinea pig skull showing entrance to ear
  • TEM Neuromast organ of lateral line
  • TEM base of hair cell + nerve ending
  • SEM organ of Corti
  • SEM section through organ of Corti
  • SEM organ of Corti in cochlea
  • SEM organ of Corti, showing hair cells
  • Section through skull, showing cochlea
  • SEM of outer hair cells, organ of Corti
  • SEM organ of corti showing rows of hair cell
  • TEM base of hair cell + nerve ending
  • Fish neuromast organ, close-up
  • SEM organ of Corti, showing hair cells
  • SEM organ of corti showing rows of hair cell
  • SEM z'fish neuromast organ,hair insertion pt
  • TEM hair cell of neuromast organ, zebrafish
  • Fish neuromast organ, close-up
  • Fish neuromast organ, close-up
  • SEM guinea pig cochlea in skull,ossicles vis
  • SEM of cochlea, showing sites of hair cells
  • Fish neuromast organ, composite of 4 images