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161 results
  • Cotton thread
  • Cotton thread
  • Cotton thread
  • cotton thread
  • Sarawak: a girl spinning cotton into thread. Photograph.
  • Needle and thread stitching up a wound, artwork
  • A man is carrying reels of thread in bundles. Coloured etching.
  • The first thread of contact ... / Diabetic information systems Clinitest + Clinistix.
  • The first thread of contact ... / Diabetic information systems Clinitest + Clinistix.
  • Two men spinning thread using a spindle. Watercolour by an Indian artist.
  • Machinery used in the making of gold thread. Etching by Bénard after Lucotte.
  • A woman winding thread onto spindles (?). Gouache painting by an Indian artist.
  • A woman preparing coloured silk thread (?). Watercolour by a Chinese artist, ca. 1800.
  • Textiles: elevations of bobbins used in the making of gold thread. Etching by Bénard after Lucotte.
  • A woman sitting on a low stool and spinning thread. Gouache painting by an Indian artist.
  • Machinery used in the making of gold thread with various components. Etching by Bénard after Lucotte.
  • Textiles: two patterns for embroidery (top), a woman winding thread (below). Engraving by R. Benard after Radel.
  • Elevations of a spinning-wheel used in the making of gold thread. Etching by Bénard after Lucotte.
  • Textiles: components of a bobbin used in the making of gold thread. Etching by Bénard after Lucotte.
  • A man with a long beard and a checked cap carding thread. Watercolour by an Indian artist.
  • Textiles: spinning wheel with various components used in the making of gold thread. Etching by Bénard after Lucotte.
  • Textiles: spinning-wheel with various components used in the making of gold thread. Etching by Bénard after Lucotte.
  • Textiles: various components of a bobbin used in the making of gold thread. Etching by Bénard after Lucotte.
  • A weaver working on a treadle-operated loom as a woman brings him more thread. Woodcut by J. Amman.
  • A weaver working on a treadle-operated loom as a woman brings him more thread. Woodcut by J. Amman.
  • Textiles: section and plan of a bobbin used in the making of gold thread. Etching by Bénard after Lucotte.
  • Textiles: section of a bobbin with various components used in the making of gold thread. Etching by Bénard after Lucotte.
  • Gold workshop: interior view, spinning wheel with various components used in the making of gold thread. Etching by Bénard after Lucotte.
  • Textiles: silk dyeing, washing cloth in a river (top), a spar used for winding silk thread (below). Engraving by R. Benard after Radel.
  • A grandmother reads to her granddaughter, but their attention is caught by two kittens playing with a piece of thread. Mezzotint after A. J. Elsley.