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172 results
  • Girls watching cars cruise and pick up teenage prostitutes representing today's behaviour and tomorrow's results represented by a girl dying of AIDS in bed and a pregnant teenager; a warning about safe sex to prevent AIDS by the Guyana Responsible Parenthood Association. Colour lithograph, ca. 1997.
  • A father with an axe breaking through the door of a teenager's bedroom; representing a parent to whom it is difficult to talk about drugs, but who is not typical of all parents. Colour lithograph for the Drugs Infolijn, 200-.
  • A woman sits with her hands together representing a woman who had a baby as a teenager while HIV+; an advertisement for Rainbow House, a long-term care residence for adolescents and teen mothers who have HIV/AIDS; poster issued by the NJCAMA Ad Council. Colour lithograph.
  • A woman sits with her hands together representing a woman who had a baby as a teenager while HIV+; an advertisement for Rainbow House, a long-term care residence for adolescents and teen mothers who have HIV/AIDS; poster issued by the NJCAMA Ad Council. Colour lithograph.
  • Teenage girl with Down's syndrome
  • Teenage girl with Down's syndrome
  • Teenage girl with Down's syndrome
  • Teenage girl with Down's syndrome
  • Teenage girl with Down's syndrome
  • An overweight teenage girl, with a pearl necklace, sitting on a tricycle. Process print.
  • Healthy eating for teenagers / Batchelors Nutritional Advice Centre.
  • Healthy eating for teenagers / Batchelors Nutritional Advice Centre.
  • A pregnant girl holding an expulsion letter from school: teenage pregnancy in Kenya. Colour lithograph by Ministry of Health, 1997.
  • Teenage Ambassadors of Health Project, Hong Kong: events and activities. Colour lithograph by the Hong Kong AIDS Foundation, ca. 1995.
  • Teenage nutrition : identifying the solutions : one day conferences 2001 : February 2, York, February 20, London / National Dairy Council.
  • Teenage nutrition : identifying the solutions : one day conferences 2001 : February 2, York, February 20, London / National Dairy Council.
  • Teenage nutrition : identifying the solutions : one day conferences 2001 : February 2, York, February 20, London / National Dairy Council.
  • Teenage nutrition : identifying the solutions : one day conferences 2001 : February 2, York, February 20, London / National Dairy Council.
  • Teenage nutrition : identifying the solutions : one day conferences 2001 : February 2, York, February 20, London / National Dairy Council.
  • Teenage nutrition : identifying the solutions : one day conferences 2001 : February 2, York, February 20, London / National Dairy Council.
  • A teenage girl wakes up in a strange bed after drinking too much the previous night. Colour lithograph for Nationaal Instituut voor Gezondheidsbevordering en Ziektepreventie, ca. 2000.
  • Two nurses and a row of pregnant women look at a pregnant teenage girl in an antenatal clinic: family planning in Kenya. Colour lithograph by Rhoda for Family Planning Private Sector, ca. 2000.
  • A father with a chainsaw running amok in a teenage boy's bedroom; representing a parent to whom it is difficult to talk about drugs, but who is not typical of all parents. Colour lithograph for the Drugs Infolijn and the Trimbos-instituut, 200-.
  • Myth, I have been told that if you have sex with 10 teenage virgins you will be cured of HIV : Fact, having unprotected sex with anyone else when you are HIV positive will not cure you and puts them at risk of also becoming infected / Shaka Services.
  • Myth, I have been told that if you have sex with 10 teenage virgins you will be cured of HIV : Fact, having unprotected sex with anyone else when you are HIV positive will not cure you and puts them at risk of also becoming infected / Shaka Services.
  • A group of young men and women sit around two portable radios: promoting a health radio programme for teenagers in Nigeria. Colour lithograph by Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, ca. 2000.
  • A group of young men and women sit around two portable radios: promoting a health radio programme for teenagers in Nigeria. Colour lithograph by Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, ca. 2000.
  • Two partially skeleton couples embrace representing the risk of death from AIDS; the winning poster by Mirjam Kongi from a competition entited 'Teenagers and Health' organised by the Estonian "Anti-AIDS" Association. Colour lithograph, ca.
  • Britain has the highest rate of teenage pregnancy in Western Europe : Rates of sexually transmitted infections, particularly gonorrhoea, genital herpes and chlamydia are also on the increase. Good sex education is the first step towards informed choice and self-empowerment / NPL, The Naz Project, an HIV/AIDS service for the South Asian, Middle Eastern & North African communities.
  • Britain has the highest rate of teenage pregnancy in Western Europe : Rates of sexually transmitted infections, particularly gonorrhoea, genital herpes and chlamydia are also on the increase. Good sex education is the first step towards informed choice and self-empowerment / NPL, The Naz Project, an HIV/AIDS service for the South Asian, Middle Eastern & North African communities.