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65 results
  • [Ralph, the elephant skin man : age 32].
  • Child patient of the Salpetriere with aged skin
  • [Ralph, the elephant skin man : age 32].
  • Chronoblock : prévention active : blocks 98% of major premature skin-ageing factors / RoC.
  • Chronoblock : prévention active : blocks 98% of major premature skin-ageing factors / RoC.
  • A hard case : there is now exhibiting in South Castle-street a female, a native of Holland, whose body, with the exception of the face and bust, is encrusted with a hard substance, which grows upon and completely covers the skin. This lady is 37 years of age ... Liverpool Albion.
  • A hard case : there is now exhibiting in South Castle-street a female, a native of Holland, whose body, with the exception of the face and bust, is encrusted with a hard substance, which grows upon and completely covers the skin. This lady is 37 years of age ... Liverpool Albion.
  • Skin Cancer
  • Skin
  • Chest of a woman with tertiary syphilis
  • Right hand of man with pigmentation of the skin and clubbing of the fingers
  • Ulcerated sarcoma of the skin
  • Infant with a large pigmented area of skin on the right loin
  • Leg with tertiary syphilitic ulceration of the skin
  • Circumscribed patch of favus on the chest of a boy
  • Subcutaneous haemorrhage on the chest and abdomen due to haemophilia
  • Naevoid condition of the leg and foot
  • Light micrograph of section of skin
  • Neck and shoulders of a girl suffering from pityriasis rubra pilaris
  • Right hand of a woman suffering from chronic gout
  • Cyst on the neck of a young man
  • Child with spina bifida in the lumbo-sacral region
  • Left hand of a woman suffering from chronic gout
  • Legs of a woman with a marked ichthyotic condition of the skin
  • Skin of the thigh a woman with an advanced ichthyotic condition
  • Chimney sweep's cancer
  • Face of a girl with Raynaud's disease
  • Leg of a woman in an early stage of moist gangrene
  • Skin of a woman with a tertiary syphilitic eruption
  • Leg of a woman with an advanced ichthyotic condition of the skin