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51 results
  • AIDS and the church as a healing community : the Geneva consultation: June 1986 / Christian Action on AIDS, The World Council of Churches.
  • AIDS and the church as a healing community : the Geneva consultation: June 1986 / Christian Action on AIDS, The World Council of Churches.
  • AIDS and the church as a healing community : the Geneva consultation: June 1986 / Christian Action on AIDS, The World Council of Churches.
  • AIDS and the church as a healing community : the Geneva consultation: June 1986 / Christian Action on AIDS, The World Council of Churches.
  • The Virgin of Good Council in the church of the Augustinians at Genazzano. Stipple engraving by J. and J. Klauber, 1779.
  • Women wanted as ambulance drivers : offer your services to your local council or any branch of Women's Voluntary Services : Civil Defence / [Ministry of Labour and National Service?].
  • Men wanted for stretcher parties : ...and they are wanted in thousands for a real man's job : apply to your local council now / [Ministry of Labour and National Service?].
  • Mr. Philip Snowden says: "I believe that the drink traffic is one of the greatest evils which curse our land to-day" / issued by the Temperance Council of the Christian Churches of England and Wales, Abbey House, Westminster, S.W.1.
  • Faith and a female personification of the papacy before a small church; above them the dove of the Holy Spirit dispersing seven sacred gifts: fear, knowledge, council, wisdom, understanding, strength and piety. Coloured etching.
  • "All who are visionaries dream of a City Beautiful, but no man in his right senses would dream of putting a pub in it." / Mr. E. Rosslyn Mitchell, M.P. ; issued by the Temperance Council of the Christian Churches of England and Wales, Abbey House, Westminster, S.W.1.
  • "In the light of modern science alcohol stands condemned as the greatest co-operating factor for the production of damaged lives." / Dr. Courtenay C. Weeks, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. ; issued by the Temperance Council of the Christian Churches of England and Wales, Abbey House, Westminster, S.W.1.
  • "At the best alcohol is an expensive luxury; at the worst it is a terrible poison; in between it is a dangerous drug." / Mr. E. Rosslyn Mitchell, M.P. ; issued by the Temperance Council of the Christian Churches of England and Wales, Abbey House, Westminster, S.W.1.
  • "I have met plenty of men who have lost their situations because they drank : find me the man who has lost his because he didn't." / The Rev. Canon A. H. Sewell. M.A. (Bristol) ; issued by the Temperance Council of the Christian Churches of England and Wales, Abbey House, Westminster, S.W.1.
  • "It would be simply impossible for a man who drinks to be a scout : keep off the liquor from the very first ; make up your mind to have nothing to do with it." : from "Scouting for boys." / Lt. Gen. Sir Robert baden-Powell ; issued by the Temperance Council of the Christian Churches of England and Wales, Abbey House, Westminster, S.W.1.
  • Boer War: a full military hospital ward housed in a church in Ladysmith, South Africa. Halftone, c.1900, after H. Paget after H. McCormick.
  • Permit for the supply of milk at two pence per pint / Ministry of Food.
  • Permit for the supply of milk at two pence per pint / Ministry of Food.
  • Country dance, performed by villagers. Engraving by Abraham Bosse, 1633.
  • A naked man lies on a bed with his arms resting on the pillow representing an advertisement for safe sex by the Australian AIDS Council with a list of regional council telephone numbers. Colour lithograph.
  • An auto-da-fé in Spain: the accused are led in procession by the Inquisitors to their trial. Engraving, 1749.
  • An auto-da-fé in Spain: the accused are led in procession by the Inquisitors to their trial. Engraving, 1749.
  • The martyrdom of Jerome of Prague. Woodcut.
  • An auto-da-fé in the Great Square in Madrid with the inquisitors pronouncing the sentences to the accused and the crowds on the tribunes. Engraving.
  • The procession of the Spanish Inquisition in Goa entering the church with standards and banners. Engraving.
  • The inside of a jail of the Spanish Inquisition, with a priest supervising his scribe while men and women are suspended from pulleys, tortured on the rack or burnt with torches. Etching.
  • A torture chamber of the Spanish Inquisition with suspected heretics having their feet burned or being suspended with a rope from a pulley while scribes note down confessions. Engraving by B. Picart, 1722.
  • The inside of a jail of the Inquisition, with a priest supervising his scribe while men and women are suspended from pulleys, tortured on the rack or burnt with torches. Etching.
  • An interrogation room of the Spanish Inquisition with two priests and an accused heretic. Engraving by B. Picart, 1722.
  • Accused heretics standing before a tribunal of the Spanish Inquisition in Sevilla. Etching by E. Moyse.
  • Left, the banner of the Spanish Inquisition; right banner of the Inquisition in Goa. Engraving by B. Picart, 1722.