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74 results
  • Human karyotype showing translocation between chromosomes 14 and 21, t(14;21). This is a balanced translocation - the cell retains a normal complement of genetic information.
  • Titlepage to Human Ancestry From a Genetical Point of View by R. Ruggles Gates, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1948
  • Skeletons of a cliff dweller and an inland Bushman, plate XV in Human Ancestry From a Genetical Point of View by R. Ruggles Gates, Harvard University Press, 1948
  • The Gibralter Neanderthal skull and Rhodesian skull in side view, plate VII in Human Ancestry From a Genetical Point of View by R. Ruggles Gates, Harvard University Press, 1948
  • Skulls and restored heads of the Hominidae, plate 1 opp p. 80 in Human Ancestry From a Genetical Point of View by R. Ruggles Gates, Harvard University Press, 1948
  • Mandibles of male, female and female child gorilla, plate VI in Human Ancestry From a Genetical Point of View by R. Ruggles Gates, Harvard University Press, Cambridge Massachusetts, 1948
  • Two old Korana women and Boskop type of skull in a modern Hottentot, plate XIV in Human Ancestry From a Genetical Point of View, by R. Ruggles Gates, Harvard University Press, 1948
  • The Heidelberg jaw and Steinheim skull showing a heavy supra-orbital torus but the occipital region rounded as in modern man, plate XXII, Human Ancestry From a Genetical Point of View, by R. Ruggle Gates, Harvard University Press, 1948
  • Veratrum nigrum L. Melanthiaceae Distribution: Europe. Cows do not eat Veratrum species in the meadows, and human poisoning with it caused vomiting and fainting. In the 1850s it was found to reduce the heart's action and slow the pulse (Bentley, 1861, called it an 'arterial sedative'), and in 1859 it was used orally in a woman who was having convulsions due to eclampsia. Dr Paul DeLacy Baker in Alabama treated her with drops of a tincture of V. viride. She recovered. It was used thereafter, as the first choice of treatment, and, when blood pressure monitoring became possible, it was discovered that it worked by reducing the high blood pressure that occurs in eclampsia. By 1947 death rates were reduced from 30% to 5% by its use at the Boston Lying-in Hospital. It works by dilating the arteries in muscles and in the gastrointestinal circulation. A further use of Veratrum species came to light when it was noted that V. californicum - and other species - if eaten by sheep resulted in foetal malformations, in particular only having one eye. The chemical in the plant that was responsible, cyclopamine, was found to act on certain genetic pathways responsible for stem cell division in the regulation of the development of bilateral symmetry in the embryo/foetus. Synthetic analogues have been developed which act on what have come to be called the 'hedgehog signalling pathways' in stem cell division, and these 'Hedgehog inhibitors' are being introduced into medicine for the treatment of various cancers like chondrosarcoma, myelofibrosis, and advanced basal cell carcinoma. The drugs are saridegib, erismodegib and vismodegib. All the early herbals report on its ability to cause vomiting. As a herbal medicine it is Prescription Only, via a registered dentist or physician (UK Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)). Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • Veratrum album L. Melanthiaceae Distribution: Europe. Cows do not eat Veratrum species in the meadows, and human poisoning with it caused vomiting and fainting. In the 1850s it was found to reduce the heart's action and slow the pulse (Bentley, 1861, called it an 'arterial sedative'), and in 1859 it was used orally in a woman who was having convulsions due to eclampsia. Dr Paul DeLacy Baker in Alabama treated her with drops of a tincture of V. viride. She recovered. It was used thereafter, as the first choice of treatment, and when blood pressure monitoring became possible, it was discovered that it worked by reducing the high blood pressure that occurs in eclampsia. By 1947 death rates were reduced from 30% to 5% by its use at the Boston Lying in Hospital. It works by dilating the arteries in muscles and in the gastrointestinal circulation. A further use of Veratrum species came to light when it was noted that V. californicum -and other species - if eaten by sheep resulted in foetal malformations, in particular only having one eye. The chemical in the plant that was responsible, cyclopamine, was found to act on certain genetic pathways responsible for stem cell division in the regulation of the development of bilateral symmetry in the embryo/foetus. Synthetic analogues have been developed which act on what have come to be called the 'hedgehog signalling pathways' in stem cell division, and these 'Hedgehog inhibitors' are being introduced into medicine for the treatment of various cancers like chondrosarcoma, myelofibrosis, and advanced basal cell carcinoma. The drugs are saridegib, erismodegib and vismodegib. All the early herbals report on its ability to cause vomiting. As a herbal medicine it is Prescription Only, via a registered dentist or physician (UK Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)). Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • Interphase cells showing pentameric X
  • Leukamia karyotype t(8;14)
  • XYY syndrome karyotype 46,XYY
  • Metaphase, deletion on chromosome 15
  • Turner's syndrome karyotype 45,XO. This female lacks the second X chromosome present in the normal karyotype. Symptoms include short stature, neck wbbing, elbow deformity, widely spaced nipples with shield chest, primary amenorrhea, sexual infantilism and sterility. The ovaries are reduced to fibrous streaks. Also known as XO syndrome or ovarian short-stature syndrome.
  • Myelodysplasia (leukaemia) karyotype
  • Triple-X chromosome aberration karyotype
  • Leukaemia karyotype, acute myelodysplasia
  • Inversion in X chromosome
  • Chronic myeloid leukaemia karyotype 9;22
  • Fragile X diagnostic test - male, no stain
  • Follicular non-Hodgkinson's lymphoma
  • Acute myeloblastic leukaemia karyotype
  • Leukaemia karyotype t(4;11) etc
  • Fragile X diagnostic test - normal
  • Fragile X diagnostic test - male, no stain
  • Klinefelter's syndrome karyotype 47,XXY
  • Unbalanced translocation 46,XY,t(14;21)
  • Pericentric chromosome inversion
  • Unbalanced translocation 46,XY,t(13;14)