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1,061 results
  • Domine dirige nos / [Corporation of the City of London].
  • Domine dirige nos / [Corporation of the City of London].
  • City of London Lying-in Hospital. Engraving.
  • A general list of the members of the Royal College of Surgeons in England : members who reside and practise, or who have resided and practised, in or within seven miles of the City of London ... members who do not reside or practise, in or within seven miles of the City of London.
  • St Luke's Hospital, Cripplegate, City of London. Engraving.
  • Whittington College (almshouses), City of London: perspective view. Etching, c. 1835.
  • City of London Lying-in Hospital: the facade. Engraving by J. Roberts.
  • City of London: map of Coleman Street and the surrounding environs with key. Etching.
  • City of London Freemen's Orphan School, Brixton, London. Wood engraving by W.E. Hodgkin, 1854, after B. Sly.
  • Water-wheel at London Bridge for supplying water from the Thames to the City of London. Engraving, 1749.
  • A map of London: showing sites of medical and other interest in the City of London, and Westminster. Coloured lithograph, 1913.
  • A map of London: showing sites of medical and other interest in the City of London, and Westminster. Coloured lithograph, 1913.
  • City of London Lying-in Hospital: the facade. Engraving by J. Roberts, 1772.
  • City of London Lying-in Hospital: front elevation. Engraving, 1750, after S. Wale.
  • City of London Lying-in Hospital: views of the front elevation. Engraving by B. Cole.
  • City of London Lying-in Hospital: the facade. Engraving by J. Roberts, c.1834.
  • Whittington College (almshouses), City of London: perspective view. Etching by W. Wallis, c. 1831.
  • Water-wheel at London Bridge, for supplying water from the Thames to the City of London. Engraving by B. Cole.
  • The City of London School, Milk Street, London: the entrance facade with passing pedestrians, a horseman and a hansom cab. Engraving.
  • London: the river Thames and the buildings of the City, looking northwards beside London Bridge. Coloured engraving, 1730, after J. Kip.
  • The City of London: part of Mansion House Street with St. Paul's in the background. Etching, 1888.
  • 'An exact surveigh of the streets, lane and churches, contained within the ruins of the City of London',
  • Sir John Simon (?) in his role as the first Medical Officer of Health for the City of London putting pressure on the Corporation of London to act upon the pestilential conditions of the graveyards in the City. Lithograph by Bolus, 1851.
  • Sir John Simon (?) in his role as the first Medical Officer of Health for the City of London putting pressure on the Corporation of London to act upon the pestilential conditions of the graveyards in the City. Lithograph by Bolus, 1851.
  • The entrance gateway of the City of London Cemetery. Wood engraving by W. E. Hodgkin after B. Sly.
  • Alexander Fleming House (Department of Health and Social Security), London, England: exterior. Photograph by H. Windsley, 1972.
  • 'A new plan of the City of London, Westminster, and Southwark', reproduced from that issue with the 1720 edition of Strype's revised edition of Stoe's Survey of London
  • Orders conceived and published by the Lord Maior and Aldermen of the City of London, concerning the infection of the plague.
  • Orders conceived and published by the Lord Maior and Aldermen of the City of London, concerning the infection of the plague.
  • Orders conceived and published by the Lord Maior and Aldermen of the City of London, concerning the infection of the plague.