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361 results
  • Cabinet-making: a table for card games. Engraving by E. Turrell after H. Whitaker, 1848.
  • A fatal fight between two men is caused by a game of cards. Etching by Jan Lievens. Etching.
  • Men sitting around a table playing a game of cards. Engraving by C. Gaucher, 1766, after G. Van Tilborch.
  • Sir W. Ingleby and Baron De Roos cheating in a game of cards with two other men. Lithograph by I.H., 183-.
  • A family playing a game of cards on a drum; one man is wearing part of a suit of armour, the other, a wide-brimmed hat with feathers in it. Gouache.
  • Lord Melbourne and Lord John Russell are matched against the Duke of Wellington and Sir Robert Peel in a game of cards; Whigs against Tories. Coloured lithograph by H.B. (John Doyle), 1841.
  • A couple sit in a slum dwelling playing a card game; the man is drinking from a tankard and washing is hanging from a line stretched across the room. Wood engraving by E. Landells after H.K. Browne.
  • Playing cards with a condom and a warning gambling games are dangerous when it comes to AIDS; an advertisement by the Lions Club of Bombay Hilltop and the HIV/AIDS Information and Guidance Centre in Bombay. Lithograph, ca. 1996.
  • Two men are having a dispute over a card game, one man has raised his tankard and the table has been broken, one man flees from the room and another attempts to ease the situation. Engraving by G. Volpato after F. Maggiotto.
  • A nobleman losing money playing cards in a grandly-appointed gaming house. Aquatint after H. Dawe, 184-.
  • A man has his fist raised against another man as playing cards lie all around, a woman carrying a tray recoils in fright. Etching.
  • An all-night gambling party breaks up at four o'clock in the morning: one man says he has lost his last twenty francs. Lithograph by Joseph Louis-Hippolyte Bellangé, 1824.
  • Rational recreations, in which the principles of numbers and natural philosophy are clearly and copiously elucidated by a series of easy, entertaining, interesting experiments. Among which are all those commonly performed with the cards / By W. Hooper.
  • Cabinet-making: decorative borders. Engraving by E. Turrell after H. Whitaker, 1848.
  • Medusa presiding over groups of satyrs who are gambling; representing gambling or gaming as a passion. Etching by J. Audran after C. Gillot.
  • The figure of a woman divided in two parts: half skeleton, half lady of fashion, standing next to a obelisk inscribed with biblical quotations. Etching, 17--, attributed to V. Green.
  • A crowd watches as two men gamble; representing the phrenological faculty of acquisitiveness. Steel engraving by L.A. Portier, 1847, after H. Bruyères.
  • Apollo presiding over a gentleman of sensual appetite; representing the sanguine temperament. Etching by J.D. Nessenthaler, ca. 1750.
  • Apollo presiding over a gentleman of sensual appetite; representing the sanguine temperament. Etching by J.D. Nessenthaler, ca. 1750.
  • A man sits at a table with playing cards and drink in hand, his wife threatens him as his playing partner makes his departure. Engraving by F. Basan after Dumesnil, junior.
  • Boer War: two wounded men, one Boer and one British, playing at cards in a hospital ward as a nurse looks on. Gouache by Gordon Browne.
  • Six figures passing the time with various entertainments. Mezzotint by J. Wilson, 1771, after G.M. Kraus.
  • Six men play cards and smoke outside a country inn with a castle in the distance. Etching by B. Chiboust, mid-17th century, after D. Teniers (?).
  • A drunken scene in a beer shop with a young thief gambling. Etching by G. Cruikshank, 1848, after himself.
  • A drunken scene in a beer shop with a young thief gambling. Coloured etching by G. Cruikshank, 1848, after himself.
  • Two men play cards at a table as others watch and smoke by the fire. Engraving by J. Michel, c. 1778, after J. Boydell after D. Teniers, the younger.
  • Five men gather round a table to play cards, drink and smoke in a dingy smoke den. Engraving by J. Goldar after D. Teniers, the younger.
  • The fortunes of Peter Pickle, Esquire, whose fashionable lifestyle ends with a drink problem. Etching by R. Seymour, 1829.
  • The interior of a tavern with men smoking and drinking by a barrel table and playing cards by the fire. Etching by J. Taylor (?), c. 1800, after D. Teniers.
  • While Lady Buckingham is gambling with her cronies, her husband enters to report the theft of the bank. Etching by James Gillray, 1797.