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32 results
  • Lesbian & Gay Bereavement Project : losing a partner in a same-gender relationship is every bit as devastating as losing a husband or a wife ...
  • Lesbian & Gay Bereavement Project : losing a partner in a same-gender relationship is every bit as devastating as losing a husband or a wife ...
  • Lesbian & Gay Bereavement Project : losing a partner in a same-gender relationship is every bit as devastating as losing a husband or a wife ...
  • Lesbian & Gay Bereavement Project : losing a partner in a same-gender relationship is every bit as devastating as losing a husband or a wife ...
  • Lesbian & Gay Bereavement Project : losing a partner in a same-gender relationship is every bit as devastating as losing a husband or a wife ...
  • Lesbian & Gay Bereavement Project : losing a partner in a same-gender relationship is every bit as devastating as losing a husband or a wife ...
  • A bereaved mother mourning her dead daughter in a graveyard, stricken with remorse for having treated her harshly in her lifetime. Engraving by R.L. Wright.
  • A dying man is surrounded by his family. Engraving by G. Presbury after J. Franklin, 1838.
  • Medicine man : I'll take care of you.
  • When your pet dies : some tips to help you to cope / RSPCA.
  • When your pet dies : some tips to help you to cope / RSPCA.
  • Two hooded figures and a king grieve over a dead person while a masked woman enters the room with a bowl and a stick. Woodcut attributed to C. van Sichem the elder.
  • Colonel Kirke draws the attention of a distressed young lady to the body of her brother whom he had hanged in an adjoining room. Engraving by F. Deeves after W. Hamilton.
  • A grief-stricken widower holds his child while the spirit of its mother, seen only by the child, descends to impart her blessing to the father. Drawing.
  • A woman dying in the arms of her family, an unhappy doctor leaves the room realising that it is his final payment. Aquatint by T. Rowlandson, 1786.
  • A woman dying in the arms of her family, an unhappy doctor leaves the room realising that it is his final payment. Aquatint by T. Rowlandson, 1786.
  • A sailor's widow listens while a woman reads her a letter. Coloured lithograph by J. Vallou de Villeneuve, 183?, after J.A. Franquelin.
  • One of the seven Acts of Mercy: burying the dead. Line engraving by S. Bourdon after himself.
  • Death's triumph over a much loved family man; illustrated by a skeletal death figure pulling the hair of the retreating doctor. Coloured aquatint after T. Rowlandson, 1814, after himself.
  • Death's triumph over a much loved family man; illustrated by a skeletal death figure pulling the hair of the retreating doctor. Coloured aquatint after T. Rowlandson, 1814, after himself.
  • Rizpah protecting the bodies of her murdered sons Armoni and Mephibosheth. Watercolour after J.M.W. Turner.
  • "Hier nous étions deux... : aujourd'hui, je réapprends à vivre." / Ministère de la Santé Publique et de l'Assurance Maladie ... [and 16 others].
  • A father has died and is mourned by his wife and children, as his eldest son returns from the wars, distraught by his arrival too late to see his father alive. Engraving by R. Gaillard, 1781, after J.B. Greuze.
  • "Hier nous étions deux... : aujourd'hui, je réapprends à vivre." / Ministère de la Santé Publique et de l'Assurance Maladie ... [and 16 others].
  • The body of Tippu Sultan is laid out and mourned by a woman and servants. Stipple engraving by L. Schiavonetti, 1801, after R.K. Porter.
  • Queen Victoria in mourning for Albert, her subjects outraged at her neglect of duties. Wood engraving, c. 1861.
  • Basil Valentine contemplates a chemical jar containing homunculi of a man and woman holding hands, and a child emanating from them (alchemical symbol of conception); he is suddenly visited by Sabine Stuart de Chevalier, who reveals that she has the key to his works and crowns him as the king of alchemists. Etching by J. Le Roy, ca. 1781, after Hostoul after Sabine Stuart de Chevalier.
  • A Scottish shepherd telling a doctor on the roadside about the death of his wife and how glad he is that he didn't take any of the medicine the doctor had prescribed for his wife. Wood engraving after L. Raven-Hill, 1908.
  • A funeral procession of elderly women with cats in their arms, following the coffin of a dead cat, in a churchyard. Coloured stipple engraving by J. Pettit after E.G. Byron, 1789.
  • Veronicastrum virginicum 'Pink Glow'