
Loans In Policy

1. Introduction

1.1. The purpose of this document is to enable Wellcome Collection to be accountable for loans in and define our policy for borrowing.

1.2. This policy covers the loan in of items to Wellcome Collection, apart from items entering as inter-library loans. These arrangements are covered by our Entry procedures.

1.3. Loans in of items to the Wellcome Trust for activities that fall outside of the remit of Wellcome Collection are also not covered by this policy. Such loans are administered locally by the relevant directorate and department.

1.4. This policy replaces all former loans in policies or practices. Any existing loans in made under previous arrangements will in due course be reviewed and updated in line with this policy.

2. Principles

2.1. Wellcome Collection will consider borrowing items in any format from institutions and individuals to realise its exhibition programmes (temporary, permanent and touring), which support our vision of a world where everyone’s experience of health matters.

2.2. We will only consider borrowing items as long-term loans for our Core Collections in exceptional circumstances (such as when a collection is at risk) and after every effort has been made to secure an acquisition. Items must also fit within our Collections Development Policy.

2.3. We do not accept loans in to our Support Collections (apart from inter-library loans, which are managed separately to this policy), and loans in will not normally be organised for any other purpose, such as events, conservation, or photography, except in exceptional circumstances.

2.4. The Registrars team is responsible for organising all exhibition loans and those made for any other purpose. The Collections Development team is responsible for administering all loans to the Core Collection. No item is to be borrowed without prior authorisation from the respective team.

2.5. Loans in items will be borrowed for agreed periods. For exhibition loans this will be no longer than three years in the first instance, but Core Collections loans may be for extended periods if appropriate. Loans can be reviewed and renewed as necessary. The exception being objects requiring Immunity from Seizure, which can only be borrowed for a maximum of 12 months.

2.6. Items will only be borrowed after the relevant due diligence checks have been completed, following the relevant exhibitions or collections development procedure.

2.7. All loans in must also be assessed to ensure they are borrowed, imported and exported in accordance with relevant regulations and ethics. This includes, but is not limited to, directives related to human remains (HTA), illicit trade (UNESCO 1970 Convention), endangered species (CITES), controlled substances, hazardous material, and customs regulations.

2.8. We will not proceed with a loan in if we have cause to believe that:

  • The lender is not the owner and/or legitimately entitled to lend the item;
  • There is disputed ownership including a risk of spoliation;
  • The item was illegally exported or illegally imported;
  • Borrowing the item will contravene any legislation or regulations.

2.9. The Quarantine Procedure will be followed for all items before the loan commences to assess and mitigate the risk of biological hazards and infestation.

2.10. An agreement will be signed between us and the lender for all loans in before responsibility is transferred. Agreements will outline the reason for the loan and the terms and conditions that both we and the lender will adhere to. Agreements will be signed as per the Trust’s Delegation of Authority policy.

2.11. All loan in items will be insured or indemnified at an agreed value on a ‘nail-to-nail’ basis, or when appropriate shared liability arrangements may be agreed with the lender.

2.12. For exhibition loans, we will meet all reasonable costs of arranging the loan, such as transportation, insurance, conservation, framing or mounting, and courier costs. These will be agreed in advance with the lender. For Core Collection loans the lender will need to cover the cost of transport, with other costs agreed on a case by case basis.

2.13. All loans in will be documented and located in accordance with our Collections Information Policy, with electronic files kept as appropriate. Any personal data about living individuals will be held and processed in compliance with data protection regulations.

2.14. We will apply the same levels of care to loans in as we do to any other item in our collections, with items subject to the standards outlined in the loan agreement and our Conservation and Collection Care Policy. The condition of all loan in items will be monitored, and exhibition loans will always have condition reports completed.

2.15. If a lender can no longer be contacted, we will make every effort to research the owner to identify descendants or another party that may have taken over legal ownership.

2.16. Pre-existing historic loans in to our Core Collection will in due course be reviewed and if appropriate for retention, every effort will be made to acquire the items or update the agreement using our current terms.