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17 results
  • Directions for the prevention and cure of the plague. Fitted for the poorer sort / [Anon].
  • Certain necessary directions, as well for the cure of the plague, as for preventing the infection: with many easie medicines of small charge, very profitable to His Majesties subjects / Set down by the Colledge of Physicians.
  • Certain necessary directions, as well for the cure of the plague, as for preventing the infection: with many easie medicines of small charge, very profitable to His Majesties subjects / Set down by the Colledge of Physicians.
  • Oracion contra la peste : O mi Señor Jesucristo! Dios justo: Dios immortal: tened piedad de nosotros y de todo el género humano ... Amen.
  • Croce : Li San Zaccaria vescovo di Gerusalemme, al quale facendo orazione a pro quella città devastata della peste, fu inspirato il presente mistero col quale restò placata sua Divina Maestà facendo cessare il sopraccennato castigo.
  • Orders, thought meete by Her Maiestie, and her priuie Councell, to be executed throughout the counties of this realme, in such townes, villages, and other places, as are, or may be hereafter infected with the plague, for the stay of further increase of the same. Also, an aduise set downe vpon Her Maiesties expresse commaundement, by the best learned in physicke within this realme, contayning sundry good rules and easie medicines. Without charge to the meaner sort of people, aswell for the preseruation of her good subiects from the plague before infection, as for the curing and ordring of them after they shalbe infected.
  • Carolus der Sechste von Gottes Genaden Erwöhlter Römischer Kayser zu allen Zeiten Mehrer deß Reichs, König in Spanien, Hungarn un Böhaimb etc. : Entbieten allen und jeden Unseren Hof-Raths-Praesidenten, Vitzthumben ... Unseren Gruß und Gnad zuvor und fügen denselben zuwissen, demnach bekandt, was gestalten vor einem Jahr in dem Königreich Hungaren sich eine gefährliche Seuche gezaigt, welche anheur auch in dem Ertz-Hertzogthumb Under-Österreich under einigen Persohnen verspürret würdet ... München den 18 Monats-Tag Augusti, Anno 1713.
  • Nicolai Abrahami Frambesarii ... Opera medica. Quibus continentur I. Canones et consultationes medicinales ... veram, medendi methodum & praxin sex prioribus libris exhibentes. II. Canones chirurgici ... tribus posterioribus libris proponentes. III. Apologia pro veritate & innocentia medicamentorum chymicorum adversus criminatores. IV. Laurea academica Frambesariana. V. De praeservatione pestis / [Nicolas Abraham de La Framboisière].
  • Il Magistrato, e Conservatori Generali della Sanità in Torino residenti / Razan, segr.
  • Abstract of quarantine regulations : it is in the first place to be observed, that all persons are presumed to know, and are bound to take notice, not only of quarantine regulations established by Act of Parliament, (as they are of any other Public Act), but likewise every Order in Council made for the performance of quarantine.
  • Aggiunta al bando di proibizione, e sospensione do commercio de' 20. Giugno 1743 ... dato in Firenze, dall Uffizio di Sanità di Firenze li 2. Luglio 1743 / Urbano Pierattini, Cancelliere.
  • Bando sopra la sanità : il Cardinale Rubini legato : havendo la sanità di Nostro Signore col Suo sommo zelo per la conservazione della publica salute fatto spedire, e publicare in Roma l'infrascritto bando sopra la sanità, ordiniamo, e commandiamo sia anche in questa legatione publicato, & in tutte le sue parti puntualmente osservato sotto la pene, che in esso si contengono. Dat. in Pesaro nel Palazzo Apostolico questo di 17. Gennaro 1691 / P. Patriarca di Gerusalemme Vicelegato ; Pietro Card. Otthoboni, Gio: Battista Spinola Segr.
  • A man with his wife and family crosses a zebra crossing while swivelling his head back to admire two passing women representing a warning about the risks of new sexual partners and AIDS; an advertisement by the National AIDS Control Project in New Delhi. Colour lithograph, 1996.
  • A man apparently with an STD looking alarmed as he holds up a sheet to cover his genital area; with three further anxious men and women with similar complaints to the right; a warning to seek treatment for STD's by the National AIDS Control Project in New Delhi. Colour lithograph, 1995.
  • A baby crawling to the left representing a warning about good sexual health to prevent birth defects, STD's and AIDS; a warning to seek treatment for STD's by the National AIDS Control Project in New Delhi. Colour lithograph, 1995.
  • A baby crawling to the left representing a warning about good sexual health to prevent birth defects, STDs and AIDS (Hindi version); a warning to seek treatment for STD's by the National AIDS Control Project in New Delhi. Colour lithograph, 1995.
  • An illustrated message about how AIDS spreads; an advertisement for the National AIDS Control Organisation, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Goverment of India. Colour lithograph by March 1993.