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73 results
  • Largactil : anaesthesia, psychiatry, nausea and vomiting, pain... : Phenergan promethazine, a phenothiazine derivative unique in its action : pruritis motion sickness, insomnia, drug sensitization, pre-operative tension, Parkinsonism / Poulenc Limited.
  • Blister pack of chloroquine antimalarial tablets. Chloroquine is used to prevent and treat the infectious disease malaria. Malaria is caused by parasites (Plasmodium species) which enter the blood when inefcted mosquitoes feed. Side effects of chloroquine include vomitting, nausea and headache. Retinopathy (damage to the retina) is a rare eye condition associated with long term use over many years. Drug resistance against antimalarials is increasing.
  • Iris unguicularis Poir. Iridaceae. Algerian iris. Rhizomatous perennial. Distribution: NW Africa, E. Mediterranean It has scientifically-based potential. The rhizomes contain the chemical kaempferol which inhibits the enzyme alpha-glucosidase in the gut, reducing the rate of glucose absorption. This could be used to prevent the dangerous peaks of blood sugar that occur in diabetics and reduce eye and kidney complications. The unprocessed rhizome contains iridin, a toxic glycoside, which causes 'nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and skin irritation'. Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • Dramasán (drammamina e clorotin) : un positivo avance en la terapéutica del mareo, vómitos y náuseas / Instituto Sanitas Sociedad Peruana.
  • Dramasán (drammamina e clorotin) : un positivo avance en la terapéutica del mareo, vómitos y náuseas / Instituto Sanitas Sociedad Peruana.
  • Plus de mal de mer : plus de nausées en voiture!!!.
  • Hépatite C : gérer les effets indésirables des traitements. No.8, Troubles digestifs / SOS Hépatites Fédération.
  • Hépatite C : gérer les effets indésirables des traitements. No.8, Troubles digestifs / SOS Hépatites Fédération.
  • Hépatite C : gérer les effets indésirables des traitements. No.8, Troubles digestifs / SOS Hépatites Fédération.
  • Hépatite C : gérer les effets indésirables des traitements. No.8, Troubles digestifs / SOS Hépatites Fédération.
  • Usos aceptados por el consejo de quimica y farmacia de la Asociación Medica Americana de la Dramamine ... / G.D. Searle & Co. ; distribuído por: Enrique Ferreyros y Cia., S.A.
  • Nautisan : bei nervösem Erbrechen der Säuglinge, Pertussis, Chorea, azetonämischem Erbrechen usw.
  • Alfred Crompton's Pills : these pills will it once tried, be found to be the best pills ever made.
  • HIV : now there is a treatment that may prevent HIV infection after the virus has entered the body : PEP post exposure prophylaxis : treatment only works if started within 72 hours of exposure : 1 month course of anti-HIV medication ... / Terrence Higgins Trust.
  • Saccheto mal d'aria = sickness bag : / Air One, Alitalia.
  • Saccheto mal d'aria = sickness bag : / Air One, Alitalia.
  • Dramamine brand of dimenhydrinate : Norblastín : B12 + acido folico, dos factores importantes en la terapéutica de las anemias megaloblásticas / Searle.
  • Dramamine brand of dimenhydrinate : Norblastín : B12 + acido folico, dos factores importantes en la terapéutica de las anemias megaloblásticas / Searle.
  • For constipation biliousness sick headache complexion : Carter's Little Liver Pills.
  • For constipation biliousness sick headache complexion : Carter's Little Liver Pills.
  • Gegen Emesis und Hyperemesis gravidarum : Peremesin.
  • Gegen Emesis und Hyperemesis gravidarum : Peremesin.
  • Effervescent Universal Saline.
  • Free to purchasers of Carter's Little Liver Pills : "put & take" top.
  • Free to purchasers of Carter's Little Liver Pills : "put & take" top.
  • Carter's Little Liver Pills.
  • Carter's Little Liver Pills.
  • The Eno messenger : carrying the message of good health to the ends of the Earth : no. 1 / J.C. Eno Limited.
  • The Eno messenger : carrying the message of good health to the ends of the Earth : no. 1 / J.C. Eno Limited.
  • Campylobacter, SEM