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Printing Press Studio

  • Free
  • Workshop
  • Youth event
Photograph showing three printmakers selecting letter blocks at a printmaking workshop at London Metropolitan University.

What you’ll do

Join us for an afternoon of workshops using letterpress printing equipment, where you’ll learn how to showcase your ideas through zine making.

What invention, achievement or idea will you be known for? In the first session you’ll use your future self as inspiration to create your own publication.

In the second session you will think up a dream project you’d like to work on, make plans for how you’d make it happen and use the printing press to create a zine to showcase your idea.

In both sessions you’ll make something you can take away with you.



Need to know


We’ll be in the Studio on level 1. When you enter Wellcome Collection, head up the stairs or take the lift, then follow the signs.

Saturday Studio sign-up

Each workshop has 25 spaces available and you can sign up from 13:30 in the Studio.

If you’re visiting the museum with a parent, guardian or support worker, they are welcome to drop you off at our Studio. If you’d like someone to support you during the session, just let us know in advance of the session or on the day.

For more information, please visit our Accessibility page. If you have any queries about accessibility, please email us at access@wellcomecollection.org or call 0 2 0. 7 6 1 1. 2 2 2 2

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About your contributors

One of My Kind


One of My Kind (OOMK) is a collaborative publishing practice led by Rose NordinSofia Niazi and Heiba Lamara. Working together since 2014, they make, publish and distribute books and printed works.

Bloomsbury Festival
