Home EventsPart of Feeling Our Way

Reaching Out

  • Free
  • Festival
  • Relaxed
A photograph of three people with their arms in the air holding colourful pink and blue string tied together at a central point. They are wearing gold tops. The person in the centre has blue and pink hair and is smiling as she lifts her arms up with the pink material clasped in her hands.

About the event

‘Reaching Out’ was a chance for you to think about social touch via a series of events and activities that you can engage with online and in the building. Watch a film or use our creative resource pack to explore how you feel about consent, intimacy and connection.

Download and use the Feeling Our Way creative resource pack (PDF 85952kb) to explore how you feel about consent, intimacy and connection.

View the film created by Blink Dance below.

Feeling Our Way Through the Pandemic film created by BLINK Dance

‘Reaching Out’ was part of ‘Feeling Our Way’, a programme of in-person and online encounters and content co-curated by Touretteshero. ‘Feeling Our Way’ centres the experiences of disabled and neurodivergent people.

This visual story for Reaching Out (PDF 22007kb) explained what to expect from the different events taking place.

You can download an easy read description of this series of events (PDF 7699kb).



Past events

  • Performance
Consent Robot
Throughout our building
Meet BLINK’s CONSENT ROBOT as they walk around the building. You can watch or use an iPad to suggest new meaningful ways to say “hi” from a social distance which make sense to the robot and to you.
  • Relaxed

  • Performance
Throughout our building
Join BLINK in their HUG-DEMIC quest to spread love and warmth to strangers using their oversized tactile (and wipe-clean!) arms to safely pass a hug from one person to the next without actually touching. Your hug will be recorded and published as you help them try and reach their target of 1,000 huggers by the end of 2023.
  • Relaxed

  • Workshop
Reading Room
Join artists from BLINK Dance on a colourful sensory journey. The direction that the performance takes will be shaped by everyone in the audience. You can watch or join in by interacting with BLINK's specialist stretchy tactile props, which ensure maximum fun and social distancing.
  • Relaxed

  • Screening
Blink Film Screening
The Studio
Drop into the Studio to watch a short film about BLINK dance and reflect on your relationship with touch. The film lasts for about 10 minutes and will be played on a loop.
  • Relaxed

  • Chill out
Chill-Out Rooms
Viewing Room and Studio Breakout Room
Any time during the day that you want to find a space away from the programme of activities, you can come to the Chill-Out Rooms to lie down or relax. There will be low lighting, comfortable seating, cushions and mats throughout the room. Make use of ear defenders, earplugs, board games and sensory toys.
  • Relaxed

Need to know


This is an event with several different activities. Check specific sub-events for their locations.

Drop in

Just turn up to this event. It's likely to have room for everyone.


This is a relaxed event, which means that if you need to, you are welcome to move around and make noise at any time.

For more information, please visit our Accessibility page. If you have any queries about accessibility, please email us at access@wellcomecollection.org or call 0 2 0. 7 6 1 1. 2 2 2 2

Our event terms and conditions

About your performer

BLINK Dance Theatre logo, a black B with BLINK written inside it on a yellow background.

BLINK Dance Theatre

BLINK Dance Theatre are an “original, inspiring and fresh” neurodiverse group of artists who perform and facilitate together. They create highly accessible multisensory projects in education and community settings and offer training and employment opportunities for artists.