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  • Free
  • Workshop
  • Relaxed
Photograph of an exhibition display case showing from left to right, an Incredible Hulk toy with a diabetic medication line attached, a Barbie doll with vitiligo and a Playmobile vehicle with extended rear access ramp and a child in a wheelchair.
Hulk with diabetic line and Barbie with vitiligo. © #ToyLikeMe.

What you’ll do

Explore who gets represented by the toys in our shops at this workshop led by ToyLikeMe, a group founded in frustration at the lack of representation of disabled children. Imagine alternative playthings that better reflect our diversity.



Need to know


We’ll be in the Reading Room on level 2. You can walk up the spiral staircase to the Reading Room door, or take the lift up and then head left from the Library Desk.

Limited spaces available

Spaces are limited and may run out if we are busy so you may wish to arrive early.


This is a relaxed event, which means that if you need to, you are welcome to move around and make noise at any time.

For more information, please visit our Accessibility page. If you have any queries about accessibility, please email us at access@wellcomecollection.org or call 0 2 0. 7 6 1 1. 2 2 2 2

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About your host

Karen Newell

Karen Newell is a co-founder of ToyLikeMe. She has worked across many sectors, including setting up play projects and researching children’s TV programming. After her second child was born with a severe visual impairment, she quickly realised that he was born into a world that didn’t positively represent him, and founded ToyLikeMe with Rebecca Atkinson.