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Help the Normals

  • Free
  • Performance
  • Relaxed
Dolly Sen's collecting tin "HELP THE NORMALS" on the left. On the right is a portrait of Dolly Sen.
Image left: Help the Normals. 2018. By Dolly Sen. Image right: Portrait of Dolly Sen. © Image by Angela Moore.

Look out for Dolly Sen roaming the building with her collecting tin for fictional charity Help the Normals. Dolly created the tin as a protest object to challenge assumptions about who we should pity. One of Dolly’s collecting tins is on display permanently in the exhibition ‘Being Human’. Stop for a chat with Dolly and please give generously – they won’t!



Need to know


This is an event with several different activities. Check specific sub-events for their locations.

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Just turn up to this event. It's likely to have room for everyone.


This is a relaxed event, which means that if you need to, you are welcome to move around and make noise at any time.

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About your artist

Black and white portrait of Dolly Sen's head and shoulders. Her tattooed arms are resting on a glass cabinet.

Dolly Sen

Dolly Sen is a writer, speaker, performer, artist and filmmaker. She has been labelled ‘mad’ by a society that has helped to drive her mad. Queer, disabled, person of colour, she is a broken child taped together with glitter and stars. She/they.