Home Events

Anti-Social Prescribing

  • Free
  • Performance
  • Relaxed

Visit Dolly Sen to receive an “anti-social prescription”. You might be advised to join a walking group to nowhere, to take an anger mismanagement course, or one of several other useless activities. Dolly created these prescriptions as a response to the increasing trend of prescribing activities that emphasise an individual’s responsibility instead of dealing with the underlying social or financial issues that might be causing them difficulties.



Need to know


We’ll be in the Reading Room on level 2. You can walk up the spiral staircase to the Reading Room door, or take the lift up and then head left from the Library Desk.

Drop in

Just turn up to this event. It's likely to have room for everyone.


This is a relaxed event, which means that if you need to, you are welcome to move around and make noise at any time.

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About your artist

Black and white portrait of Dolly Sen's head and shoulders. Her tattooed arms are resting on a glass cabinet.

Dolly Sen

Dolly Sen is a writer, speaker, performer, artist and filmmaker. She has been labelled ‘mad’ by a society that has helped to drive her mad. Queer, disabled, person of colour, she is a broken child taped together with glitter and stars. She/they.