Fuchs, Leonhart, 1501-1566
By this person (77)
About this person (25)
- Books
Operum didacticorum / [Leonhart Fuchs].
Fuchs, Leonhart, 1501-1566Date: 1604- Books
- Online
Hippocrate dépaïsé: ou la version paraphrasee de ses aphorismes / en vers françois. Par M. L[ouis] de F[ontenettes] [Doct. en Med. dans P.].
HippocratesDate: 1654- Books
- Online
The aphorismes of Hippocrates, prince of physitians : with a short comment on them taken out of those larger notes of Galen, Heurnius, Fuchsius, &c. : with an exact table shewing the substance of every aphorisme.
HippocratesDate: 1655- Books
Commentaires tres excellens de l'hystoire des plantes composez premierement en latin ... et depuis nouvellement traduictz en langue françoise.
Fuchs, Leonhart, 1501-1566Date: 1549- Books
- Online
A worthy practise of the moste learned phisition Maister Leonerd Fuchsius, Doctor in phisicke, moste necessary in this needfull tyme of our visitation, for the comforte of all good and faythfull people, both olde and yonge, bothe for the sicke and for them that woulde auoyde the daunger of the contagion.
Fuchs, Leonhart, 1501-1566Date: [1563]