By this person (46)
About this person (36)
- Books
De odoribus / Theophrast ; Edition, Übersetzung, Kommentar von Ulrich Eigler, Georg Wöhrle ; mit einem botanischen Anhang von Bernhard Herzhoff.
Theophrastus.Date: 1993- Books
- Online
The characters of Theophrastus / translated from the Greek, and illustrated by physiognomical sketches. To which are subjoined the Greek text, with notes, and hints on the individual varieties of human nature. By Francis Howell.
Theophrastus.Date: 1824- Books
- Online
[Theophrastou peri tōn lithōn biblion] = Theophrastus's history of stones. With an English version, and notes ... Also, Observations on the new Swedish acid, and of the stone from which it is obtained; and with an idea of a natural and artificial method of fossils / By John Hill.
Theophrastus.Date: 1774- Books
- Online
Theophrastoy apanta. Theophrasti graece et latine opera omnia. Daniel Heinsius textum graecum emendavit.
Theophrastus.Date: 1613- Books
De latinis et graecis nominibus arborum, fruticum, herbarum, piscium, et avium liber, ex Aristotele, Theophrasto, Dioscoride, Galeno, Nicandro, etc / [Charles Estienne].
Estienne, Charles, 1504-approximately 1564Date: 1552