Brathwaite, Richard, 1588?-1673
- Books
- Online
Cornelianum dolium. Comoedia lepidissima, optimorum judiciis approbata ... / Auctore, T.R.
T. RDate: 1638- Books
The Arcadian Princesse; Or, The Trivmph of Ivstice: Prescribing excellent rules of Physicke, for a sicke Iustice. Digested into fowre Bookes, and Faithfully rendred to the originall Italian Copy, / by Ri. Brathvvait Esq.
Brathwaite, Richard, 1588?-1673Date: 1635- Books
The English gentlewoman, drawne out to the full body. Expressing, what habilliments doe best attire her, what ornaments doe best adorne her, what complements doe best accomplish her / [Richard Brathwait].
Brathwaite, Richard, 1588?-1673Date: 1631- Books
- Online
Essaies vpon the five senses : revived by a new supplement; with a pithy one upon detraction. Continued vvith sundry Christian resolves, and divine contemplations, full of passion and devotion; purposely composed for the zealously-disposed. By Ric: Brathvvayt Esquire.
Brathwaite, Richard, 1588?-1673Date: 1635- Books
- Online
Essaies vpon the fiue senses : with a pithie one vpon detraction. Continued vvith sundry Christian resolues, full of passion and deuotion, purposely composed for the zealously-disposed. By Rich: Brathwayt Esquire.
Brathwaite, Richard, 1588?-1673Date: 1620