Hawkins, Charles, 1812-1892
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Bye laws, orders, rules, and ordinances, made and ordained by the Master, Governors, and Assistants of the Corporation of Surgeons of London, at a Court of Assistants of the same Company, holden at Stationers-Hall, London, on the 7th day of April, 1748 : and also further bye laws, orders, rules and ordinances, made and ordained at a subsequent Court of Assistants of the said Company, holden at their theatre in the Old Bailey, on the 9th day of July, 1782.
Corporation of Surgeons of London.Date: Printed in the year 1783- Books
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Lithotrity / by Charles Hawkins.
Hawkins, Charles, 1812-1892.Date: 1864- Books
- Online
An account of a case of calculus in the bladder removed by lithotrity : in which a communication existed between the bladder and the intestine / by Charles Hawkins.
Hawkins, Charles, 1812-1892.Date: 1858