Alsted, Johann Heinrich, 1588-1638
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The worlds proceeding woes and succeeding joyes : 1. In cruell warres and vehement plagues. 2. In happy peace and unity amongst all living creatures. Or, the triple presage of Henry Alsted, (a man every way most learned) depending as well on the oracles of heaven, as on the opinions of the greatest astrologers. With an addition of the fiery conjunction of Saturn and Iupiter, this instant February; denouncing many calamities to the world, or certaine regions thereof. In which discourse, is discovered the opinions of many learned men concerning Christs personall reign upon earth, and confirmed by the most comfortable prophecie of Tycho Brahe, touching the most blessed age even now at hand.
Alsted, Johann Heinrich, 1588-1638Date: Printed in the yeare, 1642 [i.e. 1643]- Books
Clavis artis Lullianae, et verae logices duos in libellos tributa. Id est solida dilucitatio artis magnae, generalis, et ultimae, quam Raymundus Lullius invenit, ut esset quarumcunque artium et scientiarum clavigera et serperastra ... edita in usum et gratiam eorum qui impendis delectantur compendiis, & confusionem sciolorum, qui juventutem fatigant dispendiis ... Accessit novum speculum logices minime vulgaris / [Johann Heinrich Alsted].
Alsted, Johann Heinrich, 1588-1638.Date: 1652- Books
Systema physicae harmonicae, quatuor libellis methodice propositum: in quorum I Physica Mosaica delineatur: II Physica Hebraeorum, Rabbinica et Cabbalistica proponitur: III Physica Peripatetica maximam partem congesta e Julii Caesaris Scaligeri lib. 15 exotericarum exercitationum, plenius pertractatur: IV Physica chemica perspicue breviter adumbratur / [Johann Heinrich Alsted].
Alsted, Johann Heinrich, 1588-1638Date: 1621- Books
Systema physicae harmonicae, quatuor libellis methodice propositum: in quorum I Physica Mosaica delineatur: II Physica Hebraeorum, Rabbinica et Cabbalistica proponitur: III Physica Peripatetica maximam partem congesta e Julii Caesaris Scaligeri lib. 15 exotericarum exercitationum, plenius pertractatur: IV Physica chemica perspicue breviter adumbratur / [Johann Heinrich Alsted].
Alsted, Johann Heinrich, 1588-1638Date: 1616- Books
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The vvorlds proceeding woes and succeeding joyes, 1. in cruell warres and vehement plagues, 2. in happy peace and vnity amongst all living creatures, or, The triple presage of Henry Alsted, a man every way most learned, depending as well on the oracles of heaven as on the opinions of the greatest astrologers : with an addition of the fiery conjunction of Saturn and Iupiter, this instant February, denouncing many calamities to the world, or certaine regions thereof : in which discourse is discovered the opinions of many learned men concerning Christs personall reign upon earth and confirmed by the most comfortable prophecie of Tyche Brahe, touching the most blessed age even now at hand.
Alsted, Johann Heinrich, 1588-1638Date: 1642