
Pathology, Surgical


  • A woman, reclining, with a large tumour on her right breast. Gouache, 18--, after Lam Qua, ca. 1837.
  • A woman (Leang Yen?) with a large tumour on her right hand, reclining and concealing her face. Gouache, 18--, after Lam Qua, ca. 1838.
  • A man (Leang Ashing), in profile, with a tumour on the right side of his face. Gouache, 18--, after Lam Qua, 1837.
  • A man (Kwan Nanking) with a large pendent tumour hanging from his hip. Gouache, 18--, after Lam Qua, ca. 1837.
  • A man (Wan Wakae) with massive pendent tumours on the left side of his face. Gouache, 18--, after Lam Qua, ca. 1838.
