Verstegan, Richard, approximately 1550-1640
- Books
Restitution of decayed intelligence in antiquities, concerning the most noble and renowned English nation / By the study and travel of R[ichard] V[erstegan].
Verstegan, Richard, approximately 1550-1640.Date: 1673- Books
- Online
The post of the vvorld : VVherein is contayned the antiquities and originall of the most famous cities in Europe. With their trade and traficke. With their wayes and distance of myles, from country to country. With the true and perfect knowledge of their coynes, the places of their mynts: with al their martes and fayres. And the raignes of all the kinges of England. A booke right necessary and profitable, for all sortes of persons, the like before this tyme not imprinted.
Verstegan, Richard, approximately 1550-1640Date: 1576- Pictures
- Online
Saxon deities after which days of the week were named: Sun, Moon, Tuisco, Woden, Thor, Friga and Saeter (Seater). Etching after R. Verstegan, 17--.
Reference: 11519i- Books
- Online
A dialogue of dying wel. First written in the Italian tongue, by the reuerend father Don Peeter of Luca, a chanon regular, a Doctor of Diuinitie and famous preacher. VVherin is also contayned sundry profitable resolutions, vpon some doubtful questions in diuinitie. Translated first into French, and novv into English.
[Pietro da Lucca].Date: 1603- Books
A restitvtion of decayed intelligence: in antiquities. Concerning the most noble and renovvned English nation / By the studie and trauell of R. V[erstegan].
Verstegan, Richard, approximately 1550-1640.Date: 1628