- Books
- Online
Clinical lectures on the principles and practice of medicine / by John Hughes Bennett.
Bennett, John Hughes, 1812-1875.Date: 1870- Books
- Online
Cases of cholera collected at Paris : in the month of April, 1832, in the wards of MM. Andral and Louis, at the Hospital La Pitié / by James Jackson, Jr.
Jackson, James, Jr., 1810-1834.Date: 1832- Books
- Online
An inaugural dissertation on pulmonary consumption : submitted ... for the degree of Doctor of Medicine, on the 5th day of May, 1807 / by Alire Raffeneau Delile.
Date: 1807- Books
- Online
The consumptive's guide to health, or, the invalid's five questions, and the doctor's five answers ; a comprehensive practical treatise on pulmonary consumption ... addressed in popular language to non-medical readers, and incidentally to physicians and students / by J. Hamilton Potter, M.D.
Potter, J. Hamilton.Date: 1852- Books
- Online
Manuel de médecine-pratique, ou sommaire d'un cours gratuit, donné en 1800, 1801 et 1804, aux officiers de santé du Dépt. du Léman, avec une petite pharmacopée à leur usage / [Louis Odier].
Odier, Louis, 1748-1817.Date: 1821