Eastwood, A. (Arthur), 1867-1936
- Books
The incidence and bacteriological characteristics of tuberculous infection in children / by Arthur Eastwood, M.D., and Fred Griffith, M.B. An enquiry, based on a series of autopsies, into the occurrence and distribution of turberculous infection in children, and its relation to the bovine and the human types of tubercle bacilli respectively / by A. Stanley Griffith, M.D.
Date: 1914- Books
A report on localised tuberculosis in swine / by A. Eastwood, M.D. and F. Griffith, M.B.
Eastwood, A. (Arthur), 1867-1936Date: 1914- Books
- Online
Dr. Eastwood's report to the local government board on American methods for the control and improvement of the milk supply.
Eastwood, A. (Arthur), 1867-1936.Date: 1909