Stubbe, Henry, 1632-1676. Directions for such as drink the bath-water
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Select observations on English bodies of eminent persons in desperate diseases / first written in Latin by Mr. John Hall ... ; after Englished by James Cook ... ; to which is now added, an hundred like counsels and advices, for several honourable persons, by the sam.
Hall, John, 1575-1635Date: 1679- Books
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An epistolary discourse concerning phlebotomy : in opposition to G. Thomson pseudo-chymist, a pretended disciple of the Lord Verulam : wherein the nature of the blood, and the effects of blood-letting, are enquired into, and the practice thereof experimentally justified (according as it is used by judicious physicians) : [bracket] in the pest, and pestilential diseases, in the small pox, in the scurvey, in pleurisies, and in several other diseases / by Henry Stubbe.
Stubbe, Henry, 1632-1676Date: MDCLXXI [1671]- Books
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Select observations on English bodies of eminent persons in desperate diseases / first written in Latin by Mr. John Hall, physician ; after Englished by James Cook, author of The marrow of chirurgery ; to which is now added An hundred like counsels and advices for several honourable persons : with all the severall medicines and methods by which the several cures ... were effected ... by the same author ; in the close is added Directions for drinking of the bath-water and Ars cosmetica, or, Beautifying art by H. Stubbs.
Hall, John, 1575-1635Date: 1683