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Experimentelle Untersuchungen über Lokalisation endogener-Schädlichkeiten besonders infektiöser Natur im Auge, zugleich ein Beitrag zur Frage der Entstehung endogener Iritis und Choroiditis sowie der sympathischen Ophthalmie : Habilitationsschrift zur Erlangung der Venia legendi einer Hohen medicinischen Fakultät der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau / vorgelegt von Wolfgang Stock.
Stock, Wolfgang.Date: 1903- Books
- Online
Description historique, théorique et pratique, de l'ophthalmie purulente : observée de 1835 a 1839 dans l'Hopital Militaire de Saint-Pétersbourg / par Pierre Florio.
Florio, Pierre, active 1840.Date: 1841- Books
- Online
Report of a special medical board, assembled by desire of the Commander in Chief, to take into consideration the prevalence of the purulent ophthalmia in the army.
Great Britain. Army Medical Board.Date: 1810- Pictures
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Alphonse de Palacios, who suffered so severely from an infection of the retina that he was unable to look at any light. Engraving.
Reference: 18529i- Pictures
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Alphonse de Palacios, at the tomb of F. de Paris, so completely cured of his infection of the retina that he is able to look at the sun. Engraving.
Reference: 18530i