Jaksch, Rudolf v., 1855-1947.
- Books
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Klinische Diagnostik innerer Krankheiten mittels bakteriologischer, chemischer und mikroskopischer Untersuchungsmethoden / von Rudolf v. Jaksch.
Jaksch, Rudolf v., 1855-1947.Date: 1887- Books
- Online
Clinical diagnosis : the bacteriological, chemical, and microscopical evidence of disease / by Rudolf v. Jaksch ; tr. from the 3rd German ed. and enlarged by James Cagney ; with numerous illustrations (partly in colours).
Jaksch, Rudolf v., 1855-1947.Date: 1893- Books
- Online
Clinical diagnosis : the bacteriological, chemical, and microscopical evidence of disease / by Rudolf V. Jaksch ; tr. from the 2nd German ed. by James Cagney ; with an appendix by Wm. Stirling.
Jaksch, Rudolf v., 1855-1947.Date: 1890- Books
- Online
Clinical diagnosis : the bacteriological, chemical, and microscopical evidence of disease / by Rudolf v. Jaksch.
Jaksch, Rudolf v., 1855-1947.Date: 1899