Clark, John
- E-books
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The advantages of the morality of the Bible considered, chiefly with regard to the present life, In opposition to the Objections against Revealed Religion, contained in the erroneous and gloomy Doctrines of Deism and Infidelity: in three sermons. By the R
Clark, John- E-books
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Writing improv'd or penmanship made easy In it's Useful, and ornamental parts : with various examples of all the hands now practis'd in Great Britain, by John Clark Writing-Master and Accomptant, Bickham London. Sculpsit
Clark, John- E-books
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Writing improv'd or penmanship made easy In it's Useful and Ornamental Parts: with various examples of all the hands now practis'd in Great Britain, by John Clark Writing-Master and Accomptant, Bickham London. Sculpsit
Clark, John- E-books
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Poems on several subjects, and occasions, both moral and entertaining. By John Clark
Clark, John- E-books
- Online
Observations on the diseases in long voyages to hot countries, and particularly on those which prevail in the East Indies. By John Clark, M. D. Formerly Surgeon of the Talbot Indiaman
Clark, John