Bristol (England)
By this person (13)
About this person (1)
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The charter of Queen Anne, To the city of Bristol
Bristol (England)- E-books
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An exact list of the votes of the freeholders and freemen, of the City and County of Bristol, Taken at the Election of Members of Parliament, before John Rich, Esq; and Noblet Ruddock, Esq; Sheriffs. By Virtue of His Majesty's Writ, to them directed, bear
Bristol (England)- E-books
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The bristol poll-book, being a list of persons who voted at the election of a Member to serve in Parliament With Matthew Brickdale, Esquire, for the City and County of Bristol, in the room of Sir Henry Lippincott, Bart. Deceas'd, began at the guildhall of
Bristol (England)- E-books
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City of Bristol, The oath of a burgess. You shall be good and true unto His Majesty King George II. and to the heirs and successors of the said king, and to the lieutenant, master mayor of the city of Bristol, and the ministers of the same, in all causes
Bristol (England)- E-books
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The city of Bristol's letter to Mr. Southwell, Their Surviving representative in Parliament
Bristol (England)