Hooper, John, -1555
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[An homelye to be read in the tyme of pestylence].
Hooper, John, -1555Date: [1553]]- Books
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A soueraigne cordial for a Christian conscience : Content thi selfe with pacience, with Christ to bear the cros of paine which can wil the rec[m]pence, a thousand fold with ioyes againe let nothig cause thi hart to quail lau[n]ch out thi bote, hoise vp the sail put from the shore. And thou sure thou shalt atain vnto the port that shall remayne, for euermore.
Date: The .xi. day of May Anno Domi.M.D.Liiii [1554]- Books
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The seconde book of Tertullian vnto his wyf, translated into Englyshe, wherei[n] is co[n]teined most godly cou[n]sel how those that be vnmaryed, may chose vnto them selfes godly companyons, and so to liue quyetly in this world and blessedlye in the worlde to come.
Tertullian, approximately 160-approximately 230Date: M.D.L.] [1550]