Collins, Anthony
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Discours sur la liberté de penser, par Mr. A. Collins. Traduit de l'anglois & augmenté d'une lettre d'un médecin arabe; avec l'examen de ces deux ouvrages par Mr. de Crouzas
Collins, Anthony- E-books
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A philosophical inquiry concerning human liberty. By Anthony Collins, Esq. Republished with a preface, by Joseph Priestley, L.L.D. F.R.S.
Collins, Anthony- E-books
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A vindication of the divine attributes. In some remarks on his grace the Archbishop of Dublin's sermon, intituled, Divine predestination and foreknowledg consistent with the freedom of man's will
Collins, Anthony- E-books
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A letter to the Reverend Dr. Rogers, on occasion of his eight sermons, concerning the necessity of divine revelation, and the preface prefix'd to them. To which is added, a letter printed in the London Journal, April 1. 1727. With an answer to the same
Collins, Anthony- E-books
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A discourse concerning ridicule and irony in writing, in a letter To the Reverend Dr. Nathanael Marshall
Collins, Anthony