Demonology--Early works to 1800
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The life and conversation of Temperance Floyd, Mary Lloyd; and Susanna Edwards three eminent witches : lately condemed at Exeter assizes; together with a full account of their first agreement with the Devil: with the manner how they prosecuted their devillish sorceries. Also a full account of their tryal, examination, condemnation, and confession, at the place of execution: with many other things remarkable; and worthy observation.
Date: 1687- Books
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Scot's discovery of vvitchcraft : proving the common opinions of witches contracting with divels, spirits, or familiars; and their power to kill, torment, and consume the bodies of men women, and children, or other creatures by diseases or otherwise; their flying in the air, &c. To be but imaginary erronious conceptions and novelties; wherein also, the lewde unchristian practices of notably detected. Also the knavery and confederacy of conjurors.... The horrible art of poisoning and all the tricks and conveyances of juggling and liegerdemain are fully deciphered. With many other things opened that have long lain hidden: ... Whereunto is added, a treatise upon the nature, and substance of spirits and divels, &c. all written and published in anno 1584. by Reginald Scot, Esquire.
Scot, Reginald, 1538?-1599Date: 1651- Books
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Pandæmonium, or The Devil's cloyster : Being a further blow to modern Sadduceism, proving the existence of witches and spirits. In a discourse deduced from the fall of the angels, the propagation of Satans kingdom before the flood: the idolatry of the ages after, greatly advancing diabolical confederacies. With an account of the lives and transactions of several notorious witches, some whereof have been popes. Also a collection of several authentick relations of strange apparitions of dæmons and spectres, and fascinations of witches, never before printed. By Richard Bovet Gent.
Bovet, Richard, approximately 1641-Date: 1684- Books
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The kingdom of darknes [sic].
R. B., approximately 1632-approximately 1725Date: [1690]- Books
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Astrologie proved to be the old doctrine of demons, professed by the worshippers of Saturne, Jupiter, Mars, sunne and moone : In which is proved that the planetary and fixed starres are the powers of the ayre, which by Gods permission are directed by Satan the chiefe power thereof, by meanes whereof nothing can by their configurations be foreseen but by Satan. Farther, as Satan directs the ayery powers to act by in the unbelievers according to his will, so God before the Gospel used the Ministry of the elect angels to direct the Starry powers for the state of Antichrist. After the fall of Antichrist, and in the true church still God immediatly rules the powers by Jesus Christ; and in the thousand yeares Satan is to be bound, he shall not act by the Starry powers to decieve the nations more, when the Demon doctrine, by which the world three thousand years hath been decieved, shall cease, with the doctrine of Antichrist, the learning protest in academics of Aristotle, &c by which untill the devill is bound he decieves the nations. / Written by an unworthy witnesse of the truth of God, John Brayne.
Brayne, JohnDate: 1653