Demours, Pierre, 1702-1795
By this person (5)
About this person (1)
- Books
Essai sur l'histoire naturelle du polype insecte / Traduit de l'anglois par M.P. Demours.
Baker, Henry, 1698-1774Date: 1744- Books
- Online
Dissertations relative to the natural history of animals and vegetables / Translated from the Italian of the Abbé Spallanzani.
Spallanzani, Lazzaro, 1729-1799.Date: 1789- Books
- Online
Dissertations relative to the natural history of animals and vegetables / Translated [by Beddoes] from the Italian of the Abbe Spallanzani ... to which are added two letters from Mr. Bonnet to the author. And (to each volume ...) an appendix, the first containing a paper ... by Mr. Hunter ... and the experiments of Dr. Stevens on digestion [and experiments on digestion by Mr. Gosse, as related by Senebier]; the second a translation of a memoir of Mr. Demours, and Mr. Debraw's paper on the decundation of bees.
Spallanzani, Lazzaro, 1729-1799.Date: 1784- Journals
Transactions philosophiques de la Société royale de Londres.
Date: 1741-- Books
- Online
Description du ventilateur par le moyen duquel on peut renouveller facilement et en grande quantité, l'air des mines, des prisons, des hôpitaux, des maisons de force, & des vaisseaux ... Ouvrage lû en présence de la Société royale ... 1741 / ... Traduit de l'anglois, par M.P. Demours.
Hales, Stephen, 1677-1761Date: 1744