Mathematical instruments
- Books
Operations of the geometric and military compass, 1606 / Galileo Galilei ; translated, with an introduction, by Stillman Drake.
Galilei, Galileo, 1564-1642.Date: 1978- Books
- Online
Nuovi istromenti per la descrizione di diverse curve antiche e moderne; et di molte altre, che servir possono alla speculazione de' geometri, ed all'uso de'pratici. Col progetto di due nuove macchine per la nautica ed una per la meccanica, e con alcune osservazioni sopra de' poligioni rettilinei regolari / Del conte Giambatista Suardi.
Suardi, Giambatista, 1711-1767.Date: 1752- Books
La operazione del compasso geometrico et militare / Di Galileo Galilei ... Lettor delle matematiche nello studio di Padoua.
Galilei, Galileo, 1564-1642.Date: 1640- Books
- Online
Treatise on the principal mathematical instruments employed in surveying, levelling, and astronomy : explaining their construction, adjustments, and use. With an appendix, and tables / By Frederick Walter Simms.
Simms, Frederick Walter, 1803-1865.Date: 1844- Books
- Online
The uses of a quadrant fitted for daily practise : Both with the ordinary lines for the hour and azimuth, and other things of the suns course in reference to the horizon. And also with new lines serving to the fore-mentioned and other purposes more accurately. As namely to find the hour of the night by the stars; to describe the most usuall sorts of dials; to perform all common things in mensuration. And many other requisite conclusions. Performed in an accurate, easie, and delightfull way. By Sam: Foster, Professor of Astronomie in Gresham Colledg. Published by A:T.
Foster, Samuel, -1652Date: 1652