
Baker, George, 1540-1600


  • A profitable and necessarie booke of observations, for all those that are burned with the flame of gun-powder, etc. ... With an addition of most approved remedies ... Last of all is adjoyned a short treatise, for the cure of Lues venerea / ... heretofore by me collected: and now againe newly corrected and augmented in the yeare ... 1596.
  • The newe jewell of health, wherein is contayned the most excellent secretes of phisicke and philosophie, devided into fower bookes. In the which are the best approved remedies for the diseases as well inwarde as outwarde, of all the partes of mans bodie: treating very amplye of all dystillations of waters, of oyles, balmes, quintessences ... Gathered out of the best and most approved authors / ... Faithfully corrected and published in Englishe, by George Baker, Chirurgian.
  • The workes of that famous chirurgion Ambrose Parey ... / Translated out of Latine and compared with the French by Tho. Johnson [and in part by G. Baker] Whereunto are added three tractates out of Adrianus Spigelius of the veines, arteries, and nerves. With large figures. ; Also a table of the bookes and chapters.
  • A profitable and necessarie booke of observations, for all those that are burned with the flame of gun-powder, etc. ... With an addition of most approved remedies ... Last of all is adjoyned a short treatise, for the cure of Lues venerea / ... heretofore by me collected: and now againe newly corrected and augmented in the yeare ... 1596.
  • The workes of that famous chirurgion Ambrose Parey ... / Translated out of Latine and compared with the French by Tho. Johnson [and in part by G. Baker] Whereunto are added three tractates out of Adrianus Spigelius of the veines, arteries, and nerves. With large figures. ; Also a table of the bookes and chapters.
