By this person (575)
About this person (681)
- Books
Methodus cognoscendi & curandi adfectus capitis particulares, qui cerebro to proto aitheterio insidiantur, Hippocraticis, Paracelsicis, ac Harvejanis principiis illustrata, dissertationibus duodecim explanata ... / [Werner Rolfinck].
Rolfinck, Werner, 1599-1673Date: 1653- Books
Centuria problematum medicorum therapeutika, in qua gravissimorum affectuum cognitio et curatio juxta principia Hippocratica, Galenica et Spagyrica pulchre deducitur ... partim in illustri Witeberga anno MDCVIII partim in inclyta Giessa anno subsequenti publice disputandi causa proposita ... / [Gregor Horst].
Horst, Gregor, 1578-1636Date: 1610- Books
La cause morale du ris de l'excellant & tres-nommé Democrite / expliquee & temognee par le divin Hippocras, an ses Epitres. Traduite de Grec an Fransais, par M. I. Guichard.
Hippocrates.Date: 1579- Books
The haven of health: chiefely gathered for the comfort of students, and consequently of all those that have a care of their health, amplified upon five words of Hippocrates, written Epid. 6. Labor, cibus, potio, somnus, Venus ... Hereunto is added a preservation from the pestilence, with a short censure of the late sicknes at Oxford ... / [Thomas Cogan].
Cogan, Thomas, 1545?-1607Date: 1584- Books
- Online
Liber ad Almansorem. Contenta in hoc volumine. Liber Rasis ad Almansorem.
Rāzī, Abū Bakr Muḥammad ibn Zakarīyā, 865?-925?Date: 1497