Gifford, George, 1547 or 1548-1600
- Books
- Online
A discourse of the subtill practises of deuilles by vvitches and sorcerers : By which men are and haue bin greatly deluded: the antiquitie of them: their diuers sorts and names. With an aunswer vnto diuers friuolous reasons which some doe make to prooue that the deuils did not make those aperations in any bodily shape. By G. Gyfford.
Gifford, George, 1547 or 1548-1600Date: 1587- Books
A dialogue concerning witches and witchcraftes, 1593 / by George Gifford; with an introduction by Beatrice White.
Gifford, George, 1547 or 1548-1600.Date: 1931- Books
A dialogue concerning witches & witchcrafts / Reprinted from the ed. of 1603. [Ed. by T. Wright] By George Gifford.
Gifford, George, 1547 or 1548-1600.Date: 1842- Books
- Online
A dialogue concerning witches and witchcraftes : In which is laide open how craftely the Diuell deceiueth not onely the witches but many other and so leadeth them awrie into many great errours. By George Giffard minister of Gods word in Maldon.
Gifford, George, 1547 or 1548-1600Date: 1593- Books
- Online
A dialogue concerning vvitches and witchcrafts : In which is layed open how craftily the Diuell deceiueth not onely the vvitches, but many other, and so leadeth them awrie into manie great errours. By George Giffard minister of Gods word in Maldon.
Gifford, George, 1547 or 1548-1600Date: 1603