Infertility - Early works to 1800
- Books
Istoria della generazione dell'uomo, e degli animali, se sia da ̀vermicelli spermatici, o dalle uova. Con un trattato nel fine della sterilità, e de'suoi rimedj, con la critica de'superflui, e de'nocivi, con un discorso accademico intorno la connessione di tutte le cose create. E con alcune lettere, istorie rare, osservazioni d'uomini illustri / di Antonio Vallisneri.
Vallisnieri, Antonio, 1661-1730.Date: 1721- Books
- Online
The expert midwife, or An excellent and most necessary treatise of the generation and birth of man : Wherein is contained many very notable and necessary particulars requisite to be knovvne and practised: with diuers apt and usefull figures appropriated to this worke. Also the causes, signes, and various cures, of the most principall maladies and infirmities incident to women. Six bookes compiled in Latine by the industry of Iames Rueff, a learned and expert chirurgion: and now translated into English for the generall good and benefit of this nation.
Rüff, Jakob, 1500-1558Date: 1637- Books
Tractatus de sterilitate : anónimo de Montpellier (s.XIV) : atribuido a A. de Vilanova, R. de Moleris y J. de Turre / [editado por] Enrique Monteroi Cartelle.
Date: [1993]