Vicars, John, 1579 or 1580-1652
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Against VVilliam Li-Lie (alias) Lillie : that most audacious atheisticall rayling Rabsheca, that impious witch or wizzard, and most abhominable sorcerer, or star-gazer of London, and all his odious almanacks, and others. / Written by John Viccars schoolemaster of Christ Hospitall, few dayes before his death, which he had prepared for the Black Munday, turned white since his dissolution.
Vicars, John, 1579 or 1580-1652Date: Printed in the yeare when the astrologers and mountebanks lost their judgments, 29 March, 1652- Books
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A sight of ye trans-actions of these latter yeares : emblemized with ingraven plats, which men may read without spectacles.
Vicars, John, 1579 or 1580-1652Date: [1646]